Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's a Boy!!!

Dust and I are having a baby boy!! I kinda knew it was a boy and told people early on that that's what I thought. We got 14 ultrasound pictures of the baby!! There is one that has an arrow that is pointing to it's private parts. The lady performing the ultrasound hasn't been wrong about the sex of the baby for 11 years. I think we can be confidant that it is a boy. We spent about 30 minutes in the ultrasound room looking at the baby from all different views. It is one active child!! It moved positions about 3-4 times during that 30 minutes. Dust and I might have a handful with an active boy on our hands!


  1. Yeahhhh .... c'mon baby do the locomotion!

    Congratulations. I'm happy for all three of you - what a great family!

  2. All right! Boys are the BEST!!!
    Yes, I hope he is a real active and crazy boy, so that we are not the only ones with crazy boys at church.

  3. Congrats. Good luck on potty training

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Woohooooooo! :o) I can't wait to meet my nephew. First chance I get, I'm heading to the mall!

  5. That's so cool and awesome! Do I see campouts in your future? :) :) :)

  6. Boys rock! I'm so excited for you!

  7. Congratulations, you two!!! ...er...three of you I should say! =D

    Let's just hope his activeness is only during the daytime and not at night...LOL!
