Sunday, January 08, 2006

putting people on a pedestal

I had planned on writing my next blog about idolizing other people and thought it was a coincidence that Seminole talked about it in Sunday School. If you observe a family that seems perfect to you, you might put them on a pedestal. But once you get to know them better, you will find out that they are human like everybody else. Everybody has flaws. Some are just better at hiding their flaws.

Throughout my life, I have observed friends and acquaintances idolize other people. I am talking about extreme idolization. I have seen friends mimic everything that another person does and says. The idolized person can do no wrong. I have always wondered if they realize how dangerous this can be? I also wondered if they knew that almost everyone knew that they idolized this person? I always knew that this person was the "favorite" friend and that I came in "second". I know this stuff happens in junior high school, but I have seen it in adults also.

It makes me wonder why people put others on a pedestal. Do they find their worth and value in knowing this person and that they are good friends with them? It reminds me of junior high school when everyone wants to be friends with the popular person. I never really wanted to be friends with the popular kid just because they were popular.

Dust had a guy friend that followed another one of his guy friends around. The friend was always asking where "Joe" was. And the friend was always mad if "Joe" didn't tell them where he was going. The friend talked about "Joe" all the time. It got annoying. I wanted to tell the friend that it sounded like he was in love with "Joe". My brother coined a term for this situation called "manlove". There were some guys that had "manlove" for my brother. (They were not gay). My brother is a very charismatic, fun, and popular person and always had guys that wanted to follow him around and call him all the time. More extreme than his average guy buddies.

There are people that I admire but I don't think that I put them on pedestals. I am not saying that I am perfect and that I am better than anyone that does put someone on a pedestal. I just wanted to share my observations.


  1. (message to T)

    See honey ... all that stuff with Travis (my old roommate) - It was just "manlove"

    I feel so much more hetro now. Thanks golden :-)

  2. ..errr "hetero".

    Any why isn't it "metro-er-o"? too many sylables I guess.

  3. whatever dash!

    I know what you mean. My brother has always had people who idolize him. He and one of my sisters have a tendency towards doing that with people too.

    I guess I was just disappointed by too many people in elementary who I wanted to idolize but wouldn't give me the time of day to do that now!

    I still see things in other couples and women that I like and admire. I try to note it and see if changing my behavior to be more like it is:
    1. true to myself and
    2. Worth the work envolved! Especially when it's just something that I think is nice about them vs. a real character flaw in myself.

  4. No one can ever accuse me of "idolizing" anyone back in college...because I was known as the "coulotte queen"...and have pics to prove it! LOL!

  5. Clearing, in a way you are safe with putting Ms. Hilton on a pedestal. If you put Paris on a pedestal your standards are pretty low, so very little she can do will disappoint. :)

  6. .... You gave me strength
    To stand alone again
    To face the world
    Out on my own again
    You put me high upon a pedestal
    So high that I could almost see eternity
    You needed me
    You needed me

    - oh, you meant pedestal as a bad thing, right?

  7. dust, I can't believe you took time to respond to clearing.

    but seriously, we may think paris is a joke, but I have overheard young girls praise over paris.

  8. Forrest, I can't believe you took time to respond to me responding to Clearing. I also can't believe I am taking the time to respond to you responding to me responding to Clearing. :)
