Thursday, January 05, 2006

Warning: Enter our medicine cabinet at your own risk

A few days ago, I was cleaning out our refrigerator. Since we had been gone for a little over a week, some items needed to be tossed. I looked at expiration dates and everything was fine. It got me thinking that I should probably go check the expiration dates in our medicine cabinet.

I started laughing as one by one the items in our medicine cabinet had been expired for quite a long time. I showed Dust my finds. I probably shouldn't be laughing at something so important as this. I thought about how pathetic we are. I also thought that this has to be a blog. I made a list of the expired items and their expiration dates. They are as follows:
  • eye drops, exp. 12-03
  • eye drops, exp. 12-04
  • Vapor rub, exp. 12-03
  • Alka Seltzer Plus Cold, exp. 10-04
  • ear drops, exp. 10-03
  • Vapor chest rub, exp. 09-01
  • Visine, exp. 11-05
  • Polysporin, exp. 10-03
  • hydrocortisone cream, exp. 05-00 (this expired before we were married!) crack me up!

Obviously, we haven't cleaned the medicine cabinet out since we have been married. I believe that hydrocortisone cream was Dust's. He brought the already expired cream into the marriage.

I should probably do a better job at checking expiration dates seeing how I am going to be a mother soon. I need lots of prayer!


  1. vapor rub expires???? And what's the difference between vapor-rub and chest vapor-rub? Is it actually a seperate product .. or just a different packaging?

  2. yeah, I think to do that every once in a while, but I never go through it all at once. Of course with the kids diagnosis and with camping needing "full first aid kits" we have a lot more medicine then I ever thought I would have in my house!

    I use to say I would never have a medicine drawer like my grandma. I was wrong! But at least it's one drawer for a family of 4 not 1 person! LOL

  3. You have to wonder if some of that stuff really expires or if it's just a ploy to get you to buy more product.

    Like vapor rub, you use it once when you are sick and then it sits on a shelf for a year or two until you are sick again and by that time it is expired - what's up with that????

  4. Dash-different packaging. same product.

    I probably could have kept the vapor rub. It can't hurt you, but it might have lost its potency.

  5. I was going to say, Aren't you starting the "nesting" syndrome a little early??? LOL! The next thing you will add to your list to "go through and clean out" will be the toy box! Any broken toy, missing pieces, broken crayon...gets tossed! =D
