Wednesday, January 11, 2006

another bathroom story

I have noticed something odd the last few times that I have gone into the bathroom at my work. Every time I have stepped into the restroom, there hasn't been anyone else in there. I always check to see how many doors are closed or if I see any feet under the stalls. When I am in the stall, I hear a fizz sound like someone has just opened a bottle of pop. I immediately think, wow, I didn't know anyone else was in here. They must be giving me the courtesy noise or cough to let me know. (Dash mentioned the courtesy cough earlier) As I leave the stall, I look at the other stall doors and there is no one there. That kinda scared me. This happened at least three times. I am in the stall and hear the fizz noise of someone opening a pop.

About a week ago, I was in the restroom at work again. I was standing at the paper towel dispenser when I heard the fizz noise again. I looked up and saw a white container at the top of the wall that had sprayed something. I think it is some kind of air freshner. It said Pez on the side. Not the candy. I laughed but then got offended because I did not stink the place up. I did not go poop. Does it randomly spray out air freshner, or does it detect smell and then spray?


  1. As one that spends an unusually long amount of time in professional restrooms (remember my cell phone yachtzee challenge), I have found that nearly all air freshners like the one you described are on a timer ... or motion sensors (or a combination of both i.e. x seconds after the door opens.)

    I can't imagine the kind of smell-o-rific technology that would be required to dispense based on odor levels.

  2. I have never hear an air freshener go off in a bathroom. But that may be because I don't play phone yahtzee. :)

  3. What would the world be like if we could evaporate all the bad oders with a smellinator!?

  4. Are you sure that wasn't the sound of a sunset?

  5. I had noticed that too, in my restroom, Golden! But I believe mine is on a timer. I saw it advertised on TV that you can set it at 9, 18, 36 mins...

    Ours is set on 9! Only once was I there that long!

    Be careful, though, once it went off when I was walking right by it...and got in my hair...YUK!!!

  6. Anonymous12:27 AM

    If I was an evil boss, I would have such a device in my bathrooms that would put out foul odors in order to ensure "cell phone Yachtzee" was kept to a minimum. Actually, I would have fun and have it put out burning smells at increased intervals to freak people out.
