Sunday, January 15, 2006

Words that hit you in the gut

Have you ever been listening to a song and it seems like the words are speaking right to you? Or about you? Or hits you right in the gut? I want to share some lines of some songs that have seemed to apply right to me.

"Spending my time at the surface repairing the holes in the shiny veneer. There are so many ways to hide. There are so many ways not to feel. There are so many ways to deny what is real. And I just showed up for my own life. And I'm standing her taking it in and it sure looks bright."-"Just showed up for my own life," Sara Groves. I have the tendency sometimes to just go through the motions of life. I am becoming more comfortable with who I am and feel like I am truly living.

"Why you holdin' grudges in old jars? Why you wanna show off all your scars? What's it gonna take to lay a few burdens down?" Million Pieces, Newsboys. These words really hit me in the gut. The song is a few years old but I still like it.

"Oh God, You have to save me. You're my last and only hope. All my right answers fail me. I can't seem to make it on my own." On my own, Barlow Girl. Their songs are geared for teenagers but these lines can still ring true to adults.

I heard bits of a song on the radio and I really liked it. "I am just your average girl, I don't have a sea of forgetfulness." I think it would be cool if we did. It would make things easier.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Good post. I always liked the show Alley McBeal until the last year it was on. But that was big thing early in the shows first seasons. She and a coworker had gone to the same therapist and were told to have "theme songs" for thier lives! His was often a Barry White song! I can't remember it, just that it was funny. But I remember thinking how true it was for me. Theme songs are ones that truly define you and the moment in your life you are living. I have had several through the years.

  3. I agree. That may be the reason I love music of all types so much. So much can be spoken through music.

    I even quoted "Breakaway" from Kelly Clarkson in a post one time....about take a chance, make a change, and break away. Sometimes they are words that just hit us where we in the situation we are in at the moment.

    Thanks for your insight and sharing!

    BTW, I really loved the last Sara song you mentioned...where she says "sit down and share your narrative with me". Because you know, we ALL have a story...

  4. For a while, the Lit song Over My Head was my theme...

    I'm in over my head
    Stuck in the red
    Somethin they said
    Makes me think that I'm in over my head

  5. A long time later I see a cowboy crying

    "Hey buddy, what can I do?"

    He says, "I lived a good life, had about a thousand women,"

    I said, "Why the tears?", he says, " ' Cause none of them was you".

  6. David Brent would be proud.

  7. wookin pa nub in aw da wong paces ......

    unce, tice, fee times a mady ....

  8. Buckwheat sings about love.. or nub.

    "Free love highway" was an inspiring song from David.
