Saturday, December 10, 2005

Pride & Prejudice

I saw the new movie of Pride & Prejudice last night and I loved it! The previews looked good and I am always up for a romantic movie. I went into the movie knowing nothing about the characters or the plot. Can you believe that I have never read the book or even seen a different movie version of it?

I thought about what the book Blue Like Jazz said about Pride & Prejudice. "You will know the heart of a woman if you read Pride & Prejudice." I thought about how Elizabeth fell in love with Mr. Darcy. She had some major grieviences with him and some things he did. Because Mr. Darcy loved Elizabeth so much he corrected the wrongs that he made. He brought Mr. Bingley and her sister Jane back together. He also saved Elizabeth's family from shame by finding Lydia who had run off with that soldier guy. Mr. Darcy even paid for their quick wedding. After doing all of that, how can Elizabeth not love Mr. Darcy? Actions definitely speak louder than words.


  1. I just read the book, finished it yesterday! :) I'd like to watch the movie. I would agree that actions speak loudly, I am not sure that had she not already felt an emotional reaction to him that she'd fallen in love with him. If it had been her cousin Mr. Collins who did these things she would have felt appreciation, but I don't know if she would have fallen in love with him?

    I think it's great how they both changed for love and with love matured as people who weren't as quick to judge in the future the actions of others.

  2. Now for the book to become a reality....LOL!

    I saw the old version of the movie so I am looking forward to seeing the new version. Maybe I will take myself out on a date to see it in the actual theater!

  3. I am torn on the book. I hear tell it's pretty long, but if Forrest thinks I'll like it I should probably give it a try.
