Thursday, December 15, 2005

crazy weekends

Drew's sister graduates college tomorrow with her MBA. We will be going to the ceremony. Drew's parents will also be there, so it will be nice to see them also. We will have to miss Crazy and Jimbabwe's party. How sad. Hope everyone has a good time!

We are going to try to make church on Sunday. I need to turn in my Christmas cards! Hopefully we can rest that afternoon. The following weekend will be busy also with Christmas! We are attempting again to spend time with both sets of family. We will be the traveling fools.


  1. oh how sad for me. I was really looking forward to hanging with you at the party. We will miss you there.

  2. Have a great weekend. Sorry you are having to travel so much. Even when you enjoy going back to back weekends are tough. We may be doing that Christmas and New Years too.

  3. Did you see the apprentice yet?!

  4. Have a good time, we'll miss you at the party.

  5. Better to travel now while you can....otherwise you will be like me...home with kids!!!

  6. We have kids and we've always traveled with them. A couple times we thought about leaving them home :)!

  7. My advice for traveling with kids:

