Sunday, December 18, 2005

"fear of rejection"

I bet the title "fear of rejection" may sound a bit weird because you immediately think of what a guy fears when he asks a girl out. I think the title can also be applied to what I am writing. It has to do with making new friends. I have a hard time asking someone to do something on the weekends with Dust and I because of a fear of rejection. Here is a story that happened to me that will illustrate my point.

A few years ago, a man Dust knew invited him to some event that he had tickets for. I thought it would be nice if I asked the woman relative of this man to do something. She said yes at first and I got excited to get to know her better. We were going to go to a movie. Later she asked if her sister could come. Of course I said yes. I did think it would be nice to get to know her too. A few days later, she asked if her best friend could come and also her sister's best friend. I couldn't really say no. I was hurt that they each wanted to bring their best friend. I thought the point of the whole night was to get to know each other better. I can't really get to know you if you have your best friend there.

Another story. Dust and I invited a couple to go out to eat with us. We paid for their meal as a gesture of kindness. We seemed to get along great. The conversation seemed to flow naturally. A few weeks later, I invited them over to our house. We played some games and talked. Since I had initiated two outings, I decided to wait for them to ask us to do something. That call or invite never came. I was really hurt. I don't know what happened.

I was thinking about all of this today because of some thoughts I had after Sunday School. We talked about the two conversations that happen when you are talking to someone.

the surface: whatever it is that our mouths are saying.
the heart: does it communicate that you like or dislike the person?

I realized that if I dislike someone, it does show up in the way that I communicate with that person. When I talked with the people in the above stories after the events happened, I communicated to them that I did not like them. I feel so bad about that now. They probably had no clue why I wasn't being that friendly with them. They probably think that I am stuck up. Maybe the moral of this story should be: if someone hurts you, let them know about it. I have a hard time telling someone that I was hurt by something that they did or did not do.


  1. The surface and the heart. I like that break down. That is something that I am trying to keep in mind as I communicate to others. I am still learning this.

  2. Umm....I think I have a very good friend to introduce you to...that likes getting together with a girlfriend...and also getting together as couples and playing games. You might even know her!

  3. I've noticed that some people like groups and others like one on one settings. I think I go back and forth between those groups.

    But with someone you don't know that well-that does seem a bit rude.

  4. I think the person was just kind of clueless and didn't mean to be rude. The response had obviously not been too thought out, though. It mostly indicated that this person was only interested in being an acquaintance at that particular time.

  5. I prefer a one on one setting rather than a group setting. If I am in a group, I tend to be a wallflower because there are too many people talking or overshadowing me. If someone wants to get to know me, they will have to do it one on one. My personality shines better that way.

  6. So, if we want to be a friend with Golden, we have to do it on your terms? :)

  7. LOL! I just had a chat with a friend who had a first/blind date with this girl. Who called him a few hours before the dinner date to tell him she was bringing HER AUNT with them!!!!!

    And the aunt was his age! He had more in common with her, but she is!

    I told him not to go because that was rude of the girl...but he was a nice guy and PAID for both the ladies' dinner.

  8. Yep, Forrest, those are my terms. : ) It is the truth, unfortunately. I am trying to do better in group settings. It just isn't my style.
