Wednesday, December 21, 2005

the heartbeat

Today I had a doctor appointment and Dust met me there. I wasn't sure if we would be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I thought it might be a little early still. If not, I thought it was a good idea if Dust came just so he could see the office and meet my doctor.

Dust may have been a little uncomfortable. There was another man in the waiting room though. The nurse told me that there was a good chance that we would hear the heartbeat because I had a small build. Apparently it is easier to hear the heartbeat on smaller women. I was so excited and glad that Dust was there. Dust met my doctor and we talked a bit. She brought over the Doppler radio looking thing over and placed the device over my belly. I was worried for a little bit because she had a hard time finding the heartbeat. "There's the baby," she said. "It was moving around on me." The heartbeat sounded like a helicopter noise at a distant. Dust's coworker told him that it would sound like a helicopter and he was right. How cool!

That experience made my pregnancy seem more real now. I really do have a baby living inside of me!


  1. I'm so excited for you! Isn't that such an awesome experience? You are in for the most beautiful times of your life!

  2. From experience, I do concur: with pregnant women of slight build I have a much easier time of finding the baby's heartbeat than with those of heavier proportions. Another benefit of a smaller frame... in about another 5-6 weeks you should start to feel your baby actually moving inside of you! Though there might be some similarities (bad burrito encounters), that is something guys will never get to experience. Hope you enjoy this special time in your life.

  3. How cool and AWESOME is that!

    dash always loved thumping the kids to get them to move! N was a squirmer in the womb (and now!) So she responded better to it then Cman. Cman just ignored him or turn over to get away! LOL N would kick back and you could see little knots moving around and he loved that! It's awesome to "share" those moments....Of course he usually wanted to do that at bed time when I was trying to sleep! :)

  4. The best one was just after they had told us that N need to "turn around" before the delivery date.

    It was a little freaky, but it looked like she sat up and rolled over. Next appointment: yep she was facing the right way.

  5. I am so thrilled for you and Dust! I will NEVER EVER FORGET the first little butterfly movements in my abdomen when I was pregnant. I quickly learned I couldn't lie on my tummy and read a book anymore...LOL!
