Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I'm losing it!

I just went to make me some Ramen noodles. Yes, I really do like eating Ramen for a snack at night. I put the noodles in the bowl but forgot one important part--the water. I walked away from the microwave and went to check my email. Dust asked me what was that smell? I opened the microwave door to stir my noodles and noticed that it had no water. I laughed and added the water. The water got all brown and I thought, "I haven't put the seasoning in yet." I burned the noodles! The bowl reaked of the burn smell. I was so mad! Dust said that it wasn't a big deal because I only wasted 15 cents.

My second attempt at Ramen is now in the microwave. I should go check on it. My lack of sleep is really messing me up.


  1. Ramen noodles are a yummy snack and they have like 20 flavors to choose from now.

  2. so...doesn't the lack of sleep happen AFTER the baby's born?

  3. You have been talking to too many old people.

  4. speaking of old people...I LOVE ramen noodles. I used to live on them when I was single with Tyler.

    You know...they say that is a symptom of pregnancy. Being a little ditsy and a little clumsy too! Are you having any cravings yet...oh pregnant one?

  5. Get used to it Golden!!! When I was pregnant with my first child, I made the comment to a co-worker that I would be glad when the baby was born, so I could get my memory back. She laughed out loud and said, Oh, Honey...didn't they tell you? You don't get your memory back!

    Gosh darn it! She was right! =D

  6. No specific food cravings yet. I treat myself to chocolate every now and then. I'm not supposed to have many sweets and that's killing me. : (

    About my absent-mindedness, I just hope I don't accidentally hurt myself or someone else. : )

  7. Well, the plus side to being a mom...is having very strong intuition....you will do things automatically for the safety of everyone...so don't worry too much about the absentmindedness....LOL!

  8. Who told you that you are not suppose to have many sweets? I know that is a general rule of health for everyone but I don't think that is a specific for pregnant women. Or at least we didn't live by it, but I guess that is also how you define many sweets.

  9. My doctor told me to cut out the following from my diet:potato chips, fast food, candy, pop, and most junk food.

  10. I enjoy drinking Coke a whole lot more now that I am the only one who can have it. Golden usually eyes my drink for a while before she steals a sip. She won't take more than that, though.

  11. We call it "placenta brain". Our theory is that the baby is stealing all of your brain cells. (We being the people who work with me and myself.)
