Sunday, December 04, 2005

Busy weekend

Friday night we went to Buca's on the Plaza to eat with the young married's group at our church. We met at the church and carpooled. Our reservation was at 8:30 pm, so we walked around the Plaza first. We went into Gap and Barnes & Noble. Our waiter at Buca's was really energetic and made it fun. I was amazed at how long the hallways went back in the restaurant. I actually got lost on the way back from the restroom. I had the chicken parmegiano (sp?) and it was really good. Dust and I had the leftovers on Saturday.

On Saturday, we went to Wal-Mart to buy some mouse traps. I didn't mention this earlier, but my cat Autum did catch a mouse and ate it whole. I was so grossed out! Our cat has been prowling around the stove and our living room couch. So, we think there has to be more mice. We caught up on our tv shows Lost and Martha Stewart Apprentice. I also put up our Christmas tree and decorated it. After that we watched, "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." It was the original "Rat Race" movie. It was too long and I got bored with it.

Sunday, we went to Sunday School and church. After lunch, I made an appetizer and a dessert for our home group party. My mini cheese balls turned out ok. My dessert was Oreo Rocky Road bars. I was worried that they wouldn't turn out. Everyone seemed to like them at the party though. We sat around and ate. After eating, we played the game Outburst with boys against the girls. Unfortunately the boys won, but not by much.


  1. cool. sounds like you had lots of fun and good food!

  2. Guys are WAY better at games like Outburst!

    I will now engage my force field to protect me from anything that might be thrown at me in response to that comment.

  3. Other than going to jail... I love martha stewart. I know every one makes fun of her and stuff and so do I, but, I love her! She's awesome. I know she's... I guess mean and everthing... but I think she's totally cool.

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Why Thank you gigi!

  5. about martha,
    Her staff comes up with some great ideas for her, but she has the personality of...ummm, an ice cube or as snake. I saw her on the apprentice and she looked so uncomfortable and unnatural...did her show get canceled?

  6. Her show is still on the air. I agree about her personality. She is too professional or poised.

  7. awww...poor martha...queen of perfectness.
