Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"the napper"

My brother is just one of those types of people that love to take naps. He will take a nap anywhere. As you can see, he found a spot between a table and the couch at my great-aunt's house on Thanksgiving. And he doesn't just take cat naps. They are usually several hours long.

When my brother was elementary school age, he thought it would be fun to take a nap behind the Christmas tree. My mother couldn't find him and got scared and started yelling around the house. My brother didn't hear her. I finally found him up against the wall hidden behind the Christmas tree upstairs.

I don't know where his fascination with odd napping places came from. I guess it is just his adventurous spirit oozing out into sleeping. If I feel like napping somewhere different, I just go to the guest bedroom.


  1. cool napping places! cman use to just fall asleep playing. I'd go to check on him and he'd be in the middle of his room or under his bed with a toy in his hand or near it!

  2. Yep! My kids do the same thing...and my oldest is usually the one who has crammed himself into some tiny place! LOL!

    It's either the couch or my bed...but usually if I "fall" asleep...its ALWAYS on the couch!

  3. I love naps. Maybe, because it is such a rare occurance. I can nap in my pew at church. Do you dare me to crawl under?

  4. Naps are great... if you can lie down. Not so great if you're seated upright, head nodding off to the side, drool escaping from limp lips.

  5. sleeping...there's nothing better...

  6. Anonymous2:38 AM

    I sleep in weird places because I like the feeling of being partially enclosed. Maybe this can be traced back to my crib and the stuffed monkey which always enveloped me. It represents an Anglo-Saxon forward, linear way of thinking which makes the most sense to me, though I am trying to expand my thought to include some circular thinking.

    I have a response to one of Sunrises earlier posts. She says that she usually connects with people older than her. I would like to remind her of the many individuals younger than her who have hung on her shirt tail so to speak. Earliest I can remember is our cousin. There have been many over the years. Its just harder to know when those younger than you have admired you because we are always looking "up" in our culture to those older, from kids older than us in school to elders in Church. So, long story short, there have been many stars that have followed the setting of the Golden Sunrise.
