Sunday, November 27, 2005

"I will never be the same again"

This is the praise/worship song that ran through my head a few weeks ago. "I will never be the same again, I can never return, I've closed the door." I had confirmed what I suspected--I am pregnant. Two lines appeared on the pregnancy test. Dust and I are thrilled!

We just told our families over Thanksgiving. My parents and brother were totally shocked. I had lead them to believe that it might be awhile before we had kids. I was able to tell my grandparents that they will now be great-grandparents. This is the first grandchild on both sides of our families. This baby will be spoiled!

I am starting my seventh week of pregnancy. I haven't had any morning sickness so far. The baby is due July 15th. We will know whether it is a boy or a girl in January.

So, did I surprise or shock anyone?



    And I partially wondered if you were getting to that point...since you have been hanging out with T's family!

    I am soooooo happy for you guys! I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks when I come to visit T.

  2. Congratulations!

    I was surprised! I thought it might be a while. I am very happy for you guys.

  3. now I'm going threw the last few weeks trying to remember all of my conversations with Dust and Golden. I'm doing this because when T and found about c-man we didn't tell people for a while .... but we couldn't help dropping little baby hints - it was our fun little way of teasing each other about no saying anything.

    congrats to both of you! I'll try not to get all spiritually sentimental with my comments ... well not yet anyways.

    And yes I was surprised!!!!

  4. Congrats. Glad you're doing so well. Now if you can just lay off the meth ;)

  5. Congrats you guys!

    I was a little suspicious when Dust would order two pieces of pie at Homer's and say that one was for the baby.

    Live it up while you can, but as Doc said you really need to stay off the meth.

  6. I'm so excited for you! I love watching people who have their first baby. It's the best part of my job. Mom's are great, but it's really fun to watch the daddy's melt.

  7. does a daddy-melt come with grilled onions or mushrooms?

  8. Man, we always kept it a secret until until like 3 or 4 months later. I think on Turkey, Vernal told her family and then I waited a few weeks to tell my side.

    I forgot.

  9. I have known that I am pregnant for almost 3 weeks now. I was so excited and wanted to share it with someone. Although, it was nice keeping the secret between Dust and I for awhile.

  10. Congraulations. We knew sooner or later it would happen.

  11. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I'm so happy for you and Dust. And for me. Very, very happy for me. ;o) I can't wait to be an aunt. This really has complicated my decision on where to get a job! But even if I end up farther away than I am now, I will drive whatever distance necessary to babysit!

    You two are going to make great parents.

  12. OH MY WORD! I am totally jumping up and down for you!!! I am so excited! How perfect! How beautiful! I'm dying for you! You are going to be such sweet parents and... hello... I bet you are going to be the cutest pregnant person ever! I am so happy for you... I would be hugging you right now if you were here! Congratulations to both of you! You are like...going to be the total "sunshine family".

  13. Congrats! To be honest I was expecting it. It seems people often take the plunge after the five year mark hits and I knew you wanted them, so not a big surprise, but a happy one.
