Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Has anyone else typed in the wrong letters for the word verification? I don't know what my problem is! Dust was posting comments just a while ago, and he missed two of the word verifications. The q, p, i, and t are hard for me to pick out. If an r and n are close together it almost looks like an m. I feel like such a loser when I got those wrong. Why do they swirl the letters real close together? Is that really necessary? The point of the whole thing is for a person to manually enter letters to keep spam away. Why make it so difficult for the person? Maybe I need to go back to Kindergarten. Or get better glasses.


  1. I have had to type it in more then once, I am not sure what letters I miss? But the magic of word verification doesn't work if they use regular type. The squishy print and curved letters fools the spam programs, so while it's for us to do manually, it's got to be hard enough that a computer can figure it out! Makes it tough for us mere mortals! But I really do appreciate the spam free comments so it's worth while (I feel!)


    "hard enough that a computer CAN'T figure it out!" DUH

  3. I mess it up too, and not only that the words are getting really long.

  4. I understand completely!

    Once I did that and was sure I typed it in right...so I hit the back browser and I was indeed correct...but obviously the computer couldn't read it either! LOL!

  5. I think sometimes it's a time issue. I've noticed when I make a longer comment that I usually have to do word verification 2 times.

  6. I totally understand what you mean! Seriously gets on my nerves... i type it wrong a lot and I think they are trying to trick me on purpose!

  7. Before Golden typed this she was laughing at me for messing up continually on word verification forms... then she mistyped one and felt my pain.
