Friday, November 11, 2005

feeling old

On Wednesday night, the adult classes were combined with the youth revival service. Our Pastor was joking with us about our age, but he told us that we needed to sit near the back so the youth could have the front pews. The lights were turned out which is a very youth type of thing to do. It did help in focusing your worship though because there was no being distracted by watching people around you. Throughout the service, I just kept feeling old. I have been out of youth group for a long time now. The two people leading worship had to be younger than me. The speaker for the night had to be younger than me also. That is when you know you are old--if the minister for the evening is younger than you. My age group and younger is now the responsible adults in charge of things! That is scary! I know I have been responsible with my life, but that is somehow different than being the "role model in charge."


  1. Tell me about it!!!!! I am going to be 34 next month. (December 8, to be exact...hint hint!)

    The crazy part is...I REMEMBER my mother's birthday when she turned 34! LOL!

    I guess in the eyes of our "realists" friends, I would be middle-age???? But in my "optimistic" mind, I am old enough to be wise with experience and young enough to actually enjoy life. I think you can't beat that!

  2. I knew one of you guys would post something about that service. I like what they did with the black lights. It's good to see the young people finally getting creative.

  3. Too funny. Dash and I were just talking about being old last night! Watching the apprentice and realizing that you are older then almost all on that show minue Trump himself. That's enough to give anyone perspective!

  4. I don't think I will feel old in most contexts throughout my life, regardless of my age because that mostly has to do with how you think.

    I did feel old on Wednesday night, though, because it made me realize that the last time a service like that really was geared to me was about eight or nine years ago. I kind of still think of myself as high school or college age sometimes, so that service was a wake-up call.

  5. Nick and I were talking tonight (okay, you KNOW you are old when you have a 5th grader that is 10 1/2 years old!)

    She was asking me how old my mom was when she had me and then I said, well--"she'll be 58 on Sunday and I'm 22!" Her head darted up and I laughed I totally forgot my age! I recovered by saying "in my mind!" Then I told her the great thing about getting old, was you could decide how old you are mentally and what you look like! I told her that I'm not fat at all, I look exactly like I did when I was 18!

  6. Can you imagine what it's like to know that in a year and a half your little boy will be off to college...

    I'm scared...

  7. Gigi, my mom still hasn't gotten past that stage.

  8. I hope I can age gracefully. Sometimes I have this fear of becoming the old man that acts like a hipster. Gold chains and stuff. I notice this alot when walking past clothing stores with Roamer. Its a good guage for your age. I stopped showing off my midrif years ago.

  9. I need those wake up call moments every now and then or I can get to thinking - it's only been a couple years since I was in youth group. Ha! Try double digits! Clothes are another clue for me. I pass certain stores I used to shop in and I look in the window and say, huh, nothing at all appeals to me, or I'd look silly in that. When did I change from juniors to misses!?

  10. Hi roaming writer... you are like dick clark. You never seem to age. You will always look like you are 16.

    we miss you eternal cute little self!
