Monday, November 14, 2005

the elderly

I have been thinking about something that I have known for a long time. Elderly people seem to love to talk to me. I have been in buffet lines at restaurants and an elderly person in front of me will turn around and say something to me. Dust has the same thing happen to him. Maybe we have nonassuming friendly faces. Another thing is that I have no problem talking to elderly people. I can usually have a conversation with them and not have any awkward silent moments. I have known some people my age and younger that just don't like or want to talk to people their grandparents' age.

My parents conduct some of the church services at a retirement home that is associated with my church denomination. My brother leads the song service and my father and brother both play trumpet specials. My mother plays the piano. When I was in high school and college I would go and help greet the elderly as they come in the chapel. Again the elderly women and men loved to talk to me and I loved talking to them also. They all had great stories. Occasionally, some of the women wanted me to sit with them. The chapel was connected at the end of the hall of the retirement building. I would sometimes help push them back to their room in their wheelchair.

I almost connect better with people that are older than me. I always have made friends with people that are older than me. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong decade. Maybe I should just realize that God created my personality and that I can minister to the elderly.


  1. Maybe it's your T-shirts that say "I love Branson" or "Will Talk to Old People."

    I find that most old people are pretty chatty, especially at a buffet!

    If you connect so well with older people then why did you marry a younger man? :)

  2. I think it's great that you can do this! I have and I admire those who can talk to and minister to the elderly so easily.

  3. golden... you continue to reveal yourself as someone so cool.

    I love coming to your posts because you are so real... and I'm slowly finding out... such a neat person...

    The past several years I have been somewhat obsessed with getting to know old people. I used to completely dislike them. (especially the ones in my family because they didn't speak english, just italian, and they were always so opinionated and smelled like garlic.)

    But now... I feel bad and I wish I could turn back time. I wish I could have spent more time really listening to them. Like their stories... and what they have seen... and what they know... and what they have experienced.

    I love to study their faces, and look in their eyes and try to see the youthful alive people that they once were. I find old people and their pasts so interesting that I just can't get enough of them. Isn't that odd of me? It's like they are a whole bunch of books just hanging around waiting to be read...

  4. Did you bump your head or something? You posted about "feeling old" and jumped right on over to "the ederly"! You are not that old yet...LOL!

    Seriously, I know what you mean. I personally think its the light of Jesus that shows on our faces that attracts many kinds, but especially the older generation whose roots more likely were grounded in Christ.

    Today's younger generation (in my experience...including this morning) are more in a self-centered rush...they don't know how to be polite and recognize turn signals...instead they HAVE to be FIRST!

  5. Forrest, Dust has the "I love Branson" t-shirt! : ) Dust is mature well beyond his years. That is why we work well together.

    Thanks T and gigi for your nice words!

  6. whatever clearing... you don't even really exist... you are just someone evil side! :)

  7. I would rather jump into a pool of razor blades than go to branson...

    Too many steel guitars there...

  8. Isn't "mature well beyond his years" nice for boring?

    About the Branson shirt. That was a gag gift from Golden's parents.

  9. Magrelo worked in a nursing home for several years. My mom has worked in one for over half of her life. We are never in demand of funny stories. Old people are a RIOT!

  10. About the Branson shirt. That was a gag gift from Golden's parents...

    Or was it?

    When comunicating with elderly people I find it helpful to remind them that love in any language straight from the heart pulls us all together never apart.
