Sunday, November 06, 2005


For lunch on Saturday, Dust and I tried out the new hotdog place next to the guy's coffee house. It had a cute mom and pop type restaurant feel to it. Besides the huge cutting edge flat screen tv hung on the wall. The vienna beef hotdogs were quality tasting. I did think it was a little overpriced-$3.25 for an average sized hot dog with chili on it. Chips did come with it and drinks were $1.29 extra. I was still hungry after I left the restaurant. I am glad that we tried it out though.

Being at the hotdog restaurant reminded me of my first job. It was at a German hotdog restaurant-the brats were actually imported from Germany. You definately got your money's worth there. The toppings and chili were loaded on heavily that you definately had to eat it with a fork. I worked there with my best friend and we had a blast. On Saturday late afternoons we ran the whole place and locked up by ourselves! Scary! I ran the cash register and took orders and my best friend cooked and made the dogs. We had the same guy customer every Saturday afternoon. He would come in and stare at the menu for ten minutes or longer. We tried not to burst out laughing because he always ordered the same thing! A Heineken beer and a corn dog of all things!


  1. I am so the menu "starer!" I always order the same thing, but I usually look at the menu again and again just to make sure I don't want to try something new.

    Sounds like a fun gig. I worked in an office for a small carpet cleaning business. The office manager and I became very close friends. Our boss threatend to move the office around because of how loud we'd get. I laughed till I cried so much there!

  2. Yum, I want to eat a chicago dog. They are so good.

    Did you ever get a brat at the Werner's, the German meat market in Mission. Werner's is really good.

  3. I LOVE Hot dogs!:

    Polish Sausage, Bratwurst, Knockwurst, Lil' Smokies, Kosher Franks, Mystery Dogs, Ballpark Dogs, Foot Longs, Cheddar Dogs, Red Hots, Breakfast Sausage Links - you name it - I love it.

    If the bannana is the worlds perfect fruit, then the hot-dog is the perfect meat ... well sorta!

    At $3.xx a pop though, I think they need a Two-For-Tuesday promotion or the strip mall of lost reasturants will soon claim another victim.

    I always have an excuse for a good dog whenever I do a ranger activity or camp with the family. I hear the little guys say, "oh no - hot dogs!" and think to myself .. yipppeeee!

  4. BTW ... I forgot to include corndogs. I like them too.

  5. yes, dash does love his dogs! Everytime I aske him about dinners/groceries, he says "You can never go wrong with sausage dogs!"

  6. I like sausages and different types of hotdogs also. I don't like the normal franks you get at the grocery store. Cheddarwursts are my favorite but Dust doesn't like them.

  7. exactly what kind of meat is in a real hot dog?

  8. I had never had a "brat" until I moved to St. Louis. I was initiated into the area by having my first bratwurst during Strassenfest downtown St. Louis. Now at any barbeque, I go for the brat vs. the hotdog.

    PS. The BEST hotdog I have ever had was some kosher dogs from Trader Joe's that some friends brought to me when I was ill. YUM! (I am hungry and its only 10 after 8am)

  9. gigi,
    The meat depends if you get a beef hot dog or a turkey dog. I agree the Kosher dogs are really good.

    The best hot dogs are at a ball park. The atmosphere just makes them taste better.

    Who likes sauerkraut with their brats? (raises hand.)

  10. I second that iw. Sauerkraut is gross. I have never been to Werner's. Will have to try it.
