Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"Worst day of my life, what do you think!"

This afternoon I went to the Shawnee Mission Urgent Care inside the Oak Park Mall. I found out that I have a urinary tract infection. As I was pulling out of my parking space, I hit a car. I did not see it at all. My bumper dented the driver's side door. I pulled back into my parking space. There was a circle shaped tear in my bumper. The 80-year-old lady inside the car that I hit was fine. I felt like a heel because the lady had a cane. She did not want to move her car though. She couldn't get the door open. She asked me to open it for her and I couldn't get it open either. How is this lady with a cane going to slide over to the passenger's door and get out? She asked me to call the police. I had no clue what the number was. I went back inside the Urgent Care office and they gave me the Mall security number. Security told me that the police would not come out because no one was injured and alcohol was not involved. The security also told me that we could file a police report at the station. The lady still did not want to leave the scene of the accident. I told her that we should exchange information and then call our insurance companies. As I was talking to her at her window, three separate hispanic ladies in vehicles honked and yelled at me. I was so ticked, that I yelled back, "We had a car accident." One lady rolled her eyes at me. Another lady pulled in a parking space and told me to ask the 80-year old to move her car. I said we were in an accident and we didn't want to move the cars. The only lady that was nice to me was a Chinese lady that said I'm sorry. What is wrong with these people? All this time I am thinking I do not have time for this. I need to get my prescription filled! I am in pain!

After the 80-year-old lady had called her son on my cell phone and asked him what to do, then she finally agreed to leave and go get a police report. As we walked into the police station, there was a red phone that had a sign that read, "Please pick up phone to file a police report." When I told the lady on the phone that the car accident occurred in the mall parking lot, she said that we didn't need to file a report because it was on private property. What a waste of time.

Moral of the story: Do not have a fender bender in a mall parking lot. Women shoppers have no mercy if you are blocking a lane. Do not hit old ladies.


  1. wow! ouch! and WOW!

  2. btw, I am a wimp. I recently had a UTI, painful. I have never hit an old lady before--sounds interesting. 80 and still driving, I wonder if I know her, I thought Marjorie and my landlady Dorothy were the only two out there past 85 who still drove themselves places on purpose!

    I went to drop off rent the other day and my land lady was out (past 9 on a Friday.) So I called to make sure she got the check and found out that she and a group of former teachers go to the symphony on a regular basis and her friend left her car there so they could car pool. How cool is that!? I wonder if you still get UTI's at 85? Oh well, I'm getting side tracked.

    Sorry you had a bad evening, hope you feel better soon, and bummer that the Mall was stupid and sent you to the police station.

  3. Sorry to hear the news, I hope you are feeling better.

  4. The elderly lady told me that her husband was 92 and on oxygen. She and her husband moved from New Mexico to live their son this last December.

    I probably messed up her afternoon of shopping at JC Penny's. : )

  5. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm sorry it was a bad day. :o( Car accidents are bad enough, but on top of everything else, that must have been really, really frustrating.

  6. Golden's nerves were bad for the rest of the day. She handled the accident well otherwise, though.

  7. amen verna!

    I once jumped out of a car (i was the passenger) in the mall parking lot during Christmas to run across a row of cars and sit in the middle of the parking space to save it for my friend. Ohhh, people were MAD at me. I would have been nice to an 80 year old in a car wreck though.
