Thursday, October 06, 2005

the office environment

I think it is fun to work in an office environment. This week's show of The Office was about the games the employees played while the boss was away. Jim and Pam invented the Dunder Company Olympics. I cracked up when I saw two employees racing with boxes of copy paper strapped to their feet. They really went all out with medals and a ceremony.

I was reminded of the fun times I had at my previous workplace while the boss and office manager were gone. We would play bowling with a masking tape ball and set various objects up in the hallway to knock down. Our company also had some big balloons with our logo on it that we all decided to blow up one day. One computer tech guy decided to put skittles in his balloon. He accidentally let go of his balloon and skittles went flying everywhere. We all tried to help pick them up before the boss got back. There was also the rubber band fights. It is fun flipping rubber bands over cubicle walls.

Similar to The Office, the majority of my previous co-workers hated their job. Several of them were major slackers. One guy watched movies and episodes of the Family Guy on his computer during the lunch hour. I don't think he asked if he could, but noone said anything. A friend of mine surfed the internet for the majority of the day. I'm not talking about the occassional blogging that we all do. She took about ten smoking breaks during the day. She also would leave when the boss was gone and walk down the street and go into stores.

Those were fun times but probably not productive times. There is no goofing around at my current workplace. It is a professional and classy environment. I also don't have any other co-workers to goof around with. Just me and my boss. I do make occassional comments though with the people that we share our office space.


  1. Everything can be taken to an extreme, but in some jobs the only way to get through it is with occassional humor and entertainment breaks.

    I don't think I have mentioned it yet, but in our office there are many foreign objects that get hurled into someone else's cube. I've seen rubber bands, hacky sacks, yogurt lids, and various other object take flight around here. So far we've only damaged one ceiling tile.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I had a job as a receptionist. I had a computer at my desk. Sometimes it would be very slow, so I would go online. I was told not too, because it made it look like I had nothing to do when a "higher up" came it. BUT I HAD NOTHING TO DO!

    Ever try to look busy when you don't have work to do? I proceeded to take on more of my bosses job and she sat back in her little cube and surfed the net. (BTW, a lot of what I was doing online was looking up good vacation spots for her to take and rates she and her hubby could get.)

  4. I had a job once where the majority of the responsibility was focused on the work every third week. On the other two weeks I had little more than nothing to do.

    What made things the worst, though, was that in that job I had a cube next to the door. If I surfed the net it felt like everybody in the entire office knew it because they were always walking through that stupid door.

  5. Have you tried stretching plastic wrap over the toilet yet? That's always good for a good wake-up laugh. HA!

  6. Is it jsut me, or does DarDar look like the old spice guy?

  7. Magrelo's coworkers like to paint the butt of his pants with brown paint. They never stop thinking that one is funny.
