Sunday, October 09, 2005

Crazy girl

Have you ever met someone so crazy that you can't believe that they are for real? I knew a girl that was so wacked out. She was a former co-worker of mine. All the talk about office workers recently has reminded me of her. She answered the phones at our office and our desks were positioned where we could talk to each other while we were working. A lot of the things she told me at work might not be appropriate to list on a blog. I apologize ahead of time. She should have been fired for the many things she said. She came back from lunch one day laughing and said, "I just had a quickie with my boyfriend." I died laughing because I couldn't believe that she just told me that.

She was extremely entertaining at work. There was always a big crisis in her life and the whole office had to know about it. She lied about being married in order to rent a house. The whole office heard her because she was talking to the person who was renting the house at work. She would have yelling fights with her boyfriend at work all the time. She broke up with her boyfriend while working there. She started dating another guy and told everyone that he was 1/4 black, 1/4 indian, and 1/2 white. She made a lot of racial jokes after that.

I know that I had an influence in her life. God put me there for a reason and her there for a reason. She started going to church with her mother on Sundays. Every Monday morning she asked me if I went to church on Sunday. Every Thursday morning she asked me how church was Wednesday night. She was amazed with my consistency. She didn't think Christians could be cool. She told me that I was cool. I hope I showed her that legalism isn't Christianity. I hope she still goes to church.


  1. Work often gives us the opportunity to branch out with our friendships and step outside their view of "christians" into showing someone the real you. I miss that part of working in a larger office setting.

    I hope she is still in church too.

  2. T-Bop, I would say that Golden's former coworker wasn't really living in reality. I certainly cannot say the same for you. :)

  3. Just to clarify .... quickies over lunch are still ok ... we just shouldn't talk about them at work right??!

  4. Dash, what does Dr. John Grey say about that? Isn't that whose word we should take on the matter?

  5. people like that are entertaining
