Tuesday, October 11, 2005

self check-out lanes

I think I am getting better at using the self check-out lanes that some stores have now. I have had problems in the past where the machine would say, "unauthorized item in the bagging area." How embarrassing! It makes people around you think that you are trying to steal something. The self check-out supervisor has to come over and clear the screen.

I went to the Wal-Mart Neighborhood market Saturday and unloaded all my groceries onto the conveyor belt of the self check-out lane. I pulled my empty cart forward and started scanning my items. All my moves were very deliberate. I waited a second after putting the item in the bag before I scanned again or picked the bag up. The machine didn't have anything bad to say to me this time! I paid and left. After I had been home several hours, it dawned on me that I hadn't unpacked the toilet paper. There weren't any bags left that I hadn't unpacked. I looked in the trunk, but it was empty. I remember putting the 24 roll pack in my cart. I went through my motions. I remember putting the toilet paper on the conveyor, but I don't remember scanning it. I must have left it there. How could I have missed scanning and bagging the huge pack of toilet paper. Idiot! Well, I thought that I had the system mastered. Next time I will have to remember to actually scan and bag the items. Toilet paper is now on my grocery list again.


  1. looks like we're figuring it out at the same rate! I to have finally learned the deliberate moves I also learned that 3 or more items skipped bagging at walmart = wait for the clerk to okay your transaction. bummer

  2. What I don't understand is why the self check-out lanes force you to go so slowly. When I was a cashier I prided myself on being able to scan a lot of graceries quickly. Now, I have to scan, put the item in the plastic bag, wait three seconds, and repeat. Talk about tedious!

  3. I love using them, especially at home depot. I have only used credit, so I have had no money problems. The more you do it the better you get. Coupons are easy. Scan it, drop it in you bag, repeat process. It's so easy now.

  4. I haven't seen any of those here - and Europe is supposed to be so advanced. ha. I'd give a lot for a self check lane when all 25 lanes are backed up down the aisles of the store at Carrefour (walmart like). Learned the hard way not to go to the store the first Monday of the month. Everyone does!! Yikes.
