Sunday, October 02, 2005

Worlds of Fun

Saturday, Dust and I went to Worlds of Fun. Dust's work paid for the tickets and a meal. There was a buffet of brisket, beans, hot dogs, chicken, potato salad and etc. for all the employees of the company Dust works for. It was in a pavilion called Tivoli East.

I previously had a low opinion of the new ride Spinning Dragons. If the four people in the cart are of equal weight, the cart does not spin at all. So this time we tried to offset the weight distribution. Dust and t-bop sat on one side and I sat on the other. We got the cart spinning pretty good. It was nice having Dust's coworkers to talk to while waiting in line.

The Mamba is one of my favorite rides. They were having electronic difficulties that day and we were only able to ride it once. We watched two of the carts get stuck half-way on the ride. People were sitting in them for quite a while. I wonder if they made everyone get out and walk down the steps, or if they were able to get the carts to run the rest of the ride.

After some of his coworkers left, we decided to ride some of the lame fair-type rides. It started to rain, so we decided to get under the pavilion for the Octopus ride. We thought the rain would stop but it didn't. We really didn't think this through. So here Dust and I are on the Octopus ride and the rain is pouring down. The problem with this ride is that they can only load one cart at a time. It takes forever to load and unload everybody. Our jeans were entirely soaked by the time we got off the ride. We just started laughing when we found ourselves at the top of the ride. We ran from pavilion to pavilion as we made our journey out of the park.


  1. Caught in the rain, sounds like a perfect scene for a romantic long as you kissed!

  2. At most times you'll want to avoid getting rain at all cost, but nothing is better than embracing the wetness that rain brings when their are no other options.

  3. Sounds like fun!!

    My favorite place to go at WOF (it's been a while)is the big bowl-shaped theatre that had all the helicopter footage. Because the screen covers nearly all your periphereal vision, you always felt like you were falling or driving really fast.
