Thursday, September 29, 2005

The killer

If you look close enough you can see that my cat Autum has just killed a grasshopper. It is funny that after the kill, she sits beside it like she is protecting it. She leaves treasures like these all around the house. I get the priviledge of disposing of the body.

I tell Dust that she is earning her keep around here by killing bugs and grasshoppers. Dust likes to tell her that she is good for nothing when he walks out the door in the morning. It is not like you are going to see him kill any bugs. : )

One thing that is annoying is all of the grasshoppers in our house. What is the deal? How embarrassing! We saw one grasshopper walking on the ceiling the other day. We joked that it had heard about the cat from the other grasshoppers.


  1. grasshopper dares and pranks. knock on the door of the weird lady who live on the top of the hill.

  2. Before you get embarrased by the grasshoppers, let T and I tell you about Cricket Central in our basement.

  3. Good for killer! I am sure that the other grasshopper heard about Autum and was scoping the place out! Wonder if they decided it was worth the risk?!

    My folks have had crickets REALLY bad this year in their house. Which creeps my mom out. She said there were so many. I was like...there's a bunch in our yard but now our house...then 2 weeks later apparently some found their way in. It's still not as many as my folks but it's more then enough.

  4. They look like they could go either way, but I think they are crickets.

    I would like to clear up something. I call Autum a freeloader more than good-for-nothing. It fits better. :)

  5. I need to teach our cat to kill ants. I can handle cricket/grasshoppers.
