Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Plaza activities

I am really starting to love the Plaza! Dust and I went to the art fair that was held there this last weekend. Talk about crowded! We went to the parking garage located near the Palace theatre and McDonald's. We got one of the last parking spaces on the 5th or 6th level, whichever one is the top. It was kinda cool being on the very top. But then I had a fear of the whole thing collapsing because of the weight.

It was our first time going to the art fair. I really enjoyed myself. I actually recognized the comic strip art that is usually in the Star magazine section of the KC Star. Dust and I took a walk down by the river and noticed that there were gondola rides. How funny and awesome at the same time!

We met Achtung BB, his college friend, and Wah-Wah there. Woogie had a tantrum when we left the Thomas the Train play set at Barnes & Noble. He did ok after we were out the door. We ate at McDonald's because of the kid friendliness. There was a couple there that was totally making out in a booth. The guy and girl were sitting in the same side of the booth. I didn't get it--they looked like they were in their twenties. Hello-find someplace else! I didn't point it out to the group we were with. I don't know if they noticed it or not. Next time I want to try one of the restaurant booths like Uno pizzeria.


  1. Sounds like lots of fun. Glad you had a great time!

  2. We went down to the art fair on Sunday. The plaza is alway a good place for people watching.

    Don't worry about those parking stuctures, they are heavily designed.

    YOu should have jumped on top of Dust and made out like a mad woman - to see if the other couple go grossed out by you.

  3. Public displays of affection were not allowed at the christian college Dust and I attended. Everyone was like natzis in that regard. I would hear complaints if I gave Dust a hug in the lobby of our dorm. It has really scarred me for life for public displays of affection. I just can't do it.

  4. I think it's funny how acronyms mean such drastically different things to different people. PDA means palm pilot to most folks I know now.

    In my world, Net Credit Loss is a big deal. Back in school NCL was non-commital-lip.
