Sunday, September 25, 2005

Learning something new

Usually every week or so, I seem to learn a new word, disease, song, you name it. Some say you learn something new every day. Once I learn something new, it seems to pop up everywhere and I learn more about the subject. Example: On another person's blog a few days ago, celiac disease was mentioned. I had never heard of that disease and wondered what it was. Today in the newspaper, there was a big article about it. Now I know it involves an allergy to gluten. Several months ago, I learned a new song from a tv show I watched and that week the lyrics ended up on Dash's blog. I learned it was an REM song--Everybody hurts sometimes.

A lot of coincidences seem to happen to me like that. Is God making sure that I am continuing in the learning process? There was a point in my life where I thought that I would be done learning some day. I have realized now that I will never be done learning. I should probably branch out from rock songs and diseases and learn words that I can use in everyday conversations. Actually Dust helps me in that area. He taught me the words disparity and moot. How could I have gone that long in my life without ever hearing about those two words? More important than words, diseases, songs and etc. is learning more about God. Dust has also challenged me in that area also.


  1. I know what you mean about learning new things and how they seem to "pop up" everywhere for a while!

    Actually I was just on the phone talking with Jadee about how we are talking about relationships in homegroup, the pastor preached on it taking more then one person to fulfill a ministry AND in Sunday School one of the topics was about Paul and the different people he ministered with to the various churches and his relationships with them.

  2. I learned a lot about celiac disease when I traveled to Philly with an engineer who had it. Certain restaruants like Outback have special Glutton free menus.

    I almost thought about using the REM song Everybody Hurts in class while viewing the pixtures, but I thought the coldplay song gave hope.

  3. I love the word moot! I love to overuse new words that I learn. It annoys Magrelo.

  4. Does that mean there is a disparity between your feelings on word usage?

  5. and now desparity shall be my new word.
