Tuesday, October 18, 2005

my brother the adventurer

My brother loves to travel and is constantly on the go. Does he have money for all of his adventures? Not really. Right now he only works on Tuesdays and Thursdays teaching college classes. He never ceases to amaze me. I got a call last night which woke me up out of bed. I get scared when I get calls at night. I always think the worst has happened. It was my brother on the phone and the first thing I asked was if he was ok. He was fine but needed my help in his next adventure. Apparently, the St. Louis Cardinals won their game last night and are still in the series. My brother "J" was buying some tickets to the next game online. He was going to be in my area on Wednesday and wanted to know if he could ship the tickets to my house. Of course I said yes. He was going to be visiting a friend in the prison nearby. He also wanted to spend the night Tuesday. And he is bringing his best friend along too. On Wednesday, he would visit his friend in prison, come back to my house and get the tickets, and drive to the St. Louis game. Crazy stuff! This is par for the course for my brother. I can't count the number of times he has called saying he needs to spend the night at my house and then things don't work out at the last minute. I have my house clean tonight in case he really does show up.


  1. Both Golden and I are the more boring of our siblings. A lot can be said for boredom. :)

  2. Sounds like there's more to this story then meets the eye. Hope you had a good visit (if he made it in!)

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Should I take that as a compliment, Dust? :o)

    Considering I spent all weekend working on an accounting take-home midterm, I'm afraid to ask what you did. ;o)

  4. I spent the weekend going through the list of things I need to send in for the privilege of taking an accounting midterm. ;)

  5. So, did you brother make it into town?

  6. My brother called last night and said he wouldn't get to my house until midnight. I told him the front door would be unlocked. I woke up to the door opening at 2:30 am!

    The tickets didn't show up by 10:30 am so he called the guy that he bought them from on ebay. The guy accidentally shipped them to my brother's post office box! So he has to drive home to get them and then drive to the game in St. Louis! And drive home after the game.
