Thursday, October 20, 2005


Have you ever met someone who talks without hardly pausing between sentences? It is like their stream of consciousness thinking but they are speaking it. That is ok when you are brainstorming on a piece of paper, just don't say it. My brain processes things slowly when I am listening to someone. If someone is talking like that my brain goes into overload and I don't comprehend anything.

I was thinking about this recently when I was watching Gilmore Girls. I had heard a lot of good things about this show. I know several women who watch it faithfully. I just can't get into the show! I think it is because Loralei and Rory talk so fast all the time that I can't understand what's going on. It drives me crazy! They both talk to each other in a stream-of-consciousness type of way.

When someone seems to rattle on with no point in mind, I seem to loose interest. I know that a lot of women talk to each other this way. My mother talks like that and so did my grandmother. When my grandmother would talk to her sisters, they all would be talking and noone would be listening. Maybe it was my rebellion to not be a talker.

Listeners unite!


  1. Gilmore Girls...the most over-rated television show of the last only hope is that it will get canceled after this season.

  2. no way, gg rocks! This is an interesting concept. I LOVE that show, and mostly because of the fast talking! I can't stand shows that move slow where little is happening. It's not a shock that I am a talker! I have tried to improve in my listening skills. I always feel shame that I am not better at listening.

    I have a family where everyone is talking at once. We hear one another but to the inlaws it's chaos. Even after all these years of everyone not living at home if we are at a table for very long we have 3 conversations going at once. I get frustrated when I am not being heard, I never thought to rebel through silence! What a concept!

  3. The problem of rebelling with silence is that few people care to notice.

  4. I have watched the Gilmore Girls a few times, and what drew me in was their fast talking. Unlike you, I find it interesting. Maybe not in real life, but it makes of good TV.

    With GG, they are listening to each other with full comprehension of what was said and are on the same level where it seems they know each others thoughts.

    I've never met anybody in real life who talks they way portrayed in the show.

  5. I know noone talks exactly like the Gilmore Girls. Their lines are too cute and clever. Noone talks like they do in real life. I was referring to how fast they talk. Of course they understand each other. I just don't understand them. It seems like there is always a crisis. I have known women and men that make everything a crisis.

  6. You must hate me! :)

  7. Seminole, I don't hate you! You are very entertaining. I need talkers in my life.

  8. Uh-0h, Golden is digging a hole.

  9. I know what you mean about needing talkers golden. I grow a lot from my friends that I am different from. Dash, you, the old jadee (she's been around me to much by now!:)) People who can sit back and be quiet. Who don't always have to get a thought or a comment out. That's really hard for me even now and I've been working on it for years! But I am better then I was 10 years ago and maybe in another 10 you and dash and others will have rubbed off on me enough that I will be more balanced.
