Sunday, October 16, 2005

Jesus and Mary Magdalene???

My Dad likes to watch the History channel on tv. So does Dust. The last time we were at my parents' house there was a show on about Jesus. It mentioned the DaVinci Code book. I had no clue what the book was about. I was disgusted when I heard a lady say that she thinks Jesus had an affair with Mary Magdalene. How could she be saying this about my Lord? It seemed like blasphemy to me. The Bible never mentions that Jesus was married or had children. If He was married, that wouldn't really change my views. I do have a problem with people saying that Jesus had affairs. This lady seemed wacked out. She said that the Holy Grail is actually a person. That person is Mary Magdelene's daughter whose father was Jesus. Where do people come up with these ideas?

I don't know if I would like the DaVinci Code book if I read it. I probably should read it though just so I know what everybody is talking about.


  1. This interesting argument about the Holy Grail being a person has resurfaced many times in history. The DaVinci Code uses info. from a book that came out in the 80s. You could usually find this book next to the UFO section. What makes me upset about historical programs dealing with Jesus or the Bible is that they use an arcane theory to launch into an assaualt on the supernatural truths. (Dang I sound MART!!!)

  2. I agree that this is a crackpot theory and just another excuse to write 'historical' fiction about the Templars and or the Masons. I'm confident that even Davinci himself would be surprised at the suggestion that the feminine looking apostle John was actually Mary Magdalene.

    Not only was this sort of thing brought up in the book Dar-Dar mentioned (Holy Blood Holy Cross); it's also a recycled version of a prevalent pagan myth that has substitued Christ for the hero/king/warrior role. The book, by the way, ties the whole premise on mis-translated latin. This is a bit too much like an Indiana Jones movie ..... "but they only have one side of the staff of Ra .... they're digging in the wrong place - ha ha!

  3. uh oh ... here comes the Council of Nicea debate ...*strapping on body armor**

    Ok ... literal cannon-istas on the right ....abstract truth-inators on the left.

    I think everyone knows the rules.

    * No quoting from your text as "proof" (as this would be circular reasoning).

    *Analogies and metaphors are allowed but cannot be mixed.

    * A multiplier of 1.5 points will be awarded for using your opponents analogy / metaphor against him.

    * No carbon dating
    * No supreme court decisions
    * No perspective enhancing drugs

    ... and since I'm calling home field advantage, no questioning of Constantine's motives in calling the council.

  4. Overall, the idea is too inane to bother me. Who could provide actual evidence that Jesus and Mary had a liaison? Da Vinci lived 1400 years after Christ, so it really doesn't matter what he thought, anyway. If you get excited about the possibility that Dan Brown is right you are probably easily excited.

    Really, the only thing that can get me heated up on this topic is that people tend to act like they are being intelligent by considering the possibility that Jesus did it with Mary. I've heard the "it makes you think" line before, and I think that is a load of carp. Which is what someone who is fishing doesn't want.

  5. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, DaVinci Code, Romans, Conversations with God, I Corinthians,...

    THis books is in my queue to read, because I like good fiction.
