Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"I'm not cool, that's ok, my God loves me anyway"

Have you ever heard that song play on the radio station Calvary 88.5? I laughed when I first heard it because I thought it applied to me. It helped me accept my non-coolness. The song is extremely cheesy though. "I'm not cool, I don't care, how I'm supposed to do my hair."

There are a lot of times that I just don't care if I'm cool or not. I like to be somewhat in style, but I don't care about being on the cutting edge. I think that people who make remarks about what other people are wearing are being superficial. There are definately more important things in life.

In college, I had no money so it really didn't matter if I wanted to be cool in terms of clothes & etc. I was always jealous of the girls that came back from the mall with bags of new clothes. How could they afford to go to Evangel and have tons of new clothes? Their parents must have been made of money.

I do understand that in order to be relevant to my peers that I should care about how I look. This is my continual struggle--to be relevant. Of course my apathy seeps into other areas of my life also.

There are some items that I have and love because they are tacky. Like my grandmother's gaudy turquoise dishes that are on display in my kitchen. They are so ugly that I just gotta love them.

I guess I will go back and forth from embracing my uncoolness to caring about being relevant.


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    • God - "Welcome to your everlasting reward. Enter in to the... what's that on your wrist?

    • Man - "It's a yellow Lance Armstrong bracelet that I wear because I....

    • God - "UNCOOL! You think you can drag your trip-trap in here? Heaven is way minimalist - didn't you see listed on Whine Whine's blog?

  2. I have noticed through my in-depth study of cool, that there are those who are naturally cool and those are trying to be cool (posers, followers.)

    Typically, those who are trying to be cool are the ones spending money trying to look like the cool. The naturally cool are cool because of personality and confidence. They don't care what their hair looks like, or the clothes they wear in terms of is it cool or not. They have different reasons.

    A cool guy like Darwin, will wear funky hats and shoes, because they reflect his personality and those of us who admire Darwin might get a little more experimental in wearing funky hats and shoes.

    The cool people never claim their cool, because that would be uncool. So what Golden is doing is showing us how cool she really is by claiming that she is uncool.

    I could go on, but I don't know were I am going.

  3. I always knew that I couldn't stand to be with a superficial person over the long haul, so I couldn't marry one. I'm glad I married someone who's deeper than that.

  4. I thought I was belonging!?!

  5. Anonymous12:27 PM

    yeah - you and Imelda Marcos....

  6. Wheh! That was a close one, eh dust?

  7. I'm with golden. THere's too much effort to meet the imaginary standards of whoever is declared themselves elite. It's hard to be ourselves and not pay any attention at all...relevance is a nice way to put it. I don't want to be the weird one that everyone avoids, but I don't have to be the cutting edge either.

  8. Talk about uncool....I was known as the "Culotte Queen" in college. Augh! My mother did not believe in pants, makeup, or nailpolish...lol!

    So imagine my "rebelliousness" when I debuted my first pair of jeans at a Homecoming FB game!

    However, I still managed to have friends and make really close friends despite my glasses, no makeup, and very "pentecostal" look. Now that, my friend, is UNCOOL! =D
