Thursday, August 04, 2005

movie nights

I just finished watching Jersey Girl. I don't think it did too well in the box office. I did like the movie, however. I thought it was going to be a romantic comedy, but it ended up being more about the love between a father and daughter. It was a tear jerker. Ben Affleck isn't the best actor, but he did do a decent job.

It looks like Thursday nights are going to be my chick flick night. Dust and I did join Blockbuster online-so here come the chick flicks for me and the sci fi for him. In our que, we try to space it out where there is my movie, his movie, and then our movie. It has worked out great these last two weeks. He watches his sci fi on Monday or Tuesday and I watch mine on Thursday. That leaves the movie we both want to see for Friday or Saturday.

We actually have a lot of classics on our list. There are a lot of old movies that I have heard quotes on, but have never seen. The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock is our next movie. I just added the Godfather movies to our list. This is going to be a lot of fun.


  1. I know we can't keep up this blistering pace, but I think we have gone through eight movies in the past two weeks. It may only be seven, though.

  2. Yeah, we did that at first too. The last few were ones we picked out of desperate need to fill our Que to 30! So we shut off the movie last night....and we've sent a couple back without watching them. Each of us thinking the other person picked them! Oh well.

    We still like the system. We've just got to figure out what we really want in our que!

  3. We need to check our queue a bit more frequently - last night's "My Brilliant Carrer" didn't make it very far. Think of it as Anne of Green Gables set is Austrailia with bad hair and unitelligible accents.

    I still say T picked it.

  4. I say Dash...

    Maybe we have a haunted que!

  5. I am always readjusting my queue based on new releases and my mood and trying to keep a chick flick in the trifecta.

    I have realized that there are some movies in my queue that will never make it to #1.

  6. I wish we had our DVD player, we could then theorhetically rent a movie and chose the language. Where we are now has a vhs player and a few vhs, nothing that's compelled me to watch it. Prince of Egypt? Maybe later.

  7. When I got up at 6am for my meds, I just watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding that I got on DVD for $4 at Walgreens. Great price and great movie! Especially at 6am!

    Roaming--My boys love to change the languages on their DVDs/cartoons and listen to them in Spanish and French. They get so tickled because they know the lines, but hearing it in another language is funny.
