Sunday, July 31, 2005

my potty humor

I thought that I would devote a post to explain the background behind my bathroom humor. I like to joke that my family is anal. quite literally. The majority of my family members have issues with their bowels. I was always embarrassed when my grandmother would ask me if I had had my bowel movement for the day. She was always so concerned with that. She would always ask my brother too. So in order to not take these issues seriously, my family has to joke about it. My mom and her brother, when they were kids, would always call who got the bathroom first when opening the front door on their way back from church. They would call first, second, and make their mom say terd instead of third.

A lot of my humor was formed by my brother. He would always make me laugh by having his pants fall down. You would think since I was the oldest that I would have been more of an influence on him. He just has more of an influential type personality. Most of what I think is funny has to do with what he thinks is funny. He and my dad would typically fart and burp at the dinner table. My mom would get on to them, probably out of obligation. We all thought it was funny.

My potty humor is what makes me unique. It is so ingrained in me that I could never deny it. This is who I really am.


  1. My grandma used to ask me if I'd had a "BM" as well. She would usually whisper it and I didn't know what she was talking about. ("a WHUT GranMA?") What was it with grandmas and BMs?

  2. The humor is one thing...the actual act is another. I don't mind the first, but I really don't want to witness or smell the latter. We have a friend we always joke that the conversation always eventually turns to toilet and/or naked stories.

  3. The humor is one thing...the actual act is another. I don't mind the first, but I really don't want to witness or smell the latter. We have a friend we always joke that the conversation always eventually turns to toilet and/or naked stories.

  4. In my case, If you don't want gross out stories then don't ask me how my day went.

  5. My gma had a sibling die from issues with the bowels and not being able to have movement. SO, she and all her other siblings have lived on meds that would create movement.

    Due to allergies, we have a lot of gas issues in our family. So we have reverted to "potty humor" But even though I laugh, I was raised these things aren't funny, so I always feel obligated to point out to the kids that we can joke about it, but others may not see the humor in it. As they get older, I'll make sure they know that others does NOT include cute, quiet, sweet, innocent golden! LOL!

  6. You know - later on I figured that there were some health issues from getting further along in years. Our grandmas were just making sure we were healthy!) And BTW I did have a spaghettio-lookin BM "esta dia..."

  7. OMG! I have to comment here....

    5 out of my 6 hospital roommates were really sick and I didn't have any real bathroom issues with them. But on the day I was being discharged, I got a new roommate who was in for hip surgery. Needless to say, she could not make it to the bathroom. I thought I was going to be re-hospitalized!

    Sorry to all my roommates who had to put up with me for so long. I talked in my fever at night and one roommate was very lighthearted about it! We joked everyday about what I said in my sleep!
