Thursday, July 28, 2005

Golden the rocker

Last night I was reflecting on why I like the band Evanescence. I don't look like the type of person that would typically like this band. Amy Lee, who sings the vocals, really plays up the goth look. When I see someone who has the pale skin, dark hair, dark makeup thing going on I tend to get kinda scared of that person. I think of someone like that to be mad at the world and a rebel with a cause. I just described most of my previous friends. Their absurdity somehow draws me in. It makes me laugh and want to get to know them better.

As Dust and I were watching the music videos and concert, we discussed what we liked about it. Dust said that the band/music/performance has a blend of both feminine and masculine qualities. I like the way that Amy can really belt her voice. She has such a beautiful voice too, with crystal like qualities. The guitar and bass parts are really awesome too. I love the fact that they bring out a grand piano for Amy to play her "slower" songs. What other heavy rock band brings out a grand piano? (I know of two people who would know the answer to that question)

There is not one song of theirs that I don't like. I can't say that of too many other bands that I like. Most of the songs bring you along on a roller coaster ride. I believe Amy wrote most of the songs and she really pours her soul out. A lot of it has to do with her soul too. And I might add, T, I can understand the majority of the words she sings. : )

It was quite an experience seeing them live in concert. Dust and I went with BB and Wah-Wah a few years ago. There were times that I was scared being in the center of the crowd. There was one guy who had too much to drink and I was worried that he was going to fall over on me. I think I may be getting too old to go the concerts, but I will still be a fan.

I think this band would appeal to new christians or non christians who are struggling or searching for truth. (Wake me up inside, and My God, my tourniquet, return to me salvation)

This again was my 2 cents.


  1. Too old to go to concerts? I hope not because you are 5 years younger than BB and Me and we are still going strong.

  2. I never know the names of bands, but recognized the names of songs you mentioned. I too like them and I didn't even know it. I seem to still like loud music...even at MY age. Concerts are fun and watching all the people is a's spending the money that kills me since it's so expensive.

  3. Rock On wit your Bad Self!

  4. I agree. They have some incredible lyrics, which just get to the heart of questions and emotions. And yes, I believe their music can be thought-provoking for both Christian and non-Christian alike. We use their music sometimes in our services too.
