Monday, July 18, 2005

To join, or not to join, that is the question?

Dust and I have been trying to decide whether to join Netflix or the BlockBuster online thing. I was dissappointed last week when I got out my $4.29 for a rental at Blockbuster and the checkout person said $4.61. I know it isn't much of a price increase, but it did tick me off. That event kinda prompted us to look into the online thing.

It looks like with the $9.99/month contract that you only get to have 1 rental out at a time. I really don't think that is a good option. I wouldn't want to have to wait for my next rental. I do like the idea of having 3 out at a time. There won't be any lag time, and you would probably always have a movie to watch.

What would the drawbacks be to joining Blockbuster or Netflix online? Would I be getting my money's worth or would it be cheaper to not join? Sometimes we go through a time where we don't watch many rentals. As far as the summer has gone so far, we have watched maybe 2 rentals/month. If we did join, I would feel like I would have to be constantly watching movies in order to get my money's worth.

I know Dust has talked to some people that have joined Blockbuster and some that are doing Netflix. I think he is going to ask them a few more questions, and then we will decide.


  1. We pay 14.95 a month for Blockbuster and we get 3 movies to begin with, and once we turn one in we get another one back usually within two days.

    In addition to the 3 movies at a time we get 2 in store coupons for movies during the month and a free game rental too (not that we use our game rentals.) I wasn't sure about it, but it's better then spending 12$ a month on 3 pay per views via cable or spending the same amount of money for less in store rentals. Especially since we don't go to theaters to watch new releases.

    The other thing is we are watching some of the older movies that we've never seen before doing this. So At least for the summer (for us) it's been a good deal. I don't know if I'll feel the same this fall or not because we tend to watch more movies in the summer then in the fall.

  2. I always seem to fall asleep in movies that I rent, because its "my time" for myself, but usually exhausted after getting the kids to bed. My best find on movies has been to wait until they come to the $2 theater that I just discovered near my house this summer! And borrow everyone elses DVD's! =D

  3. We also do the blockbuster. It is cheaper per month than both of us going to the theaters once a month. I like the fact that there is no hurry to get the movie back, due to the fact that my wife always falls asleep or the kids wake up. Plus I can take a chance on movies that Vernal would not be interested in renting. (sci-fi) We would never get that at the store. I think it's a good deal, because we rarely go to the theater anymore.

  4. Cool! - what is blockbuster? (Que significa blockbustadoror?)

  5. T, we seem to rent fewer movies in the summer. : ) Usually because we are gone visiting family over the weekends. Plus, all the good movies come out in the summer so we will spend the money to see new releases in the theater.

    We will watch more movie rentals in the fall when it gets colder outside. Maybe we should wait until then.

  6. It totally depends. I thought about that recently because for $10 or $15 you pay for it with only three rentals basically. The question is do you rent 2-3 movies a month. We go months without any and then whamo maybe 6 in a month. We seem to do well with always getting two. One I want to see more and one he wants to see more, I'd definitely want to have more than one at a time in the options. Ha! I'm going to borrowing all my movies from some other poor American around here!

  7. I think I am going to vote for joining the Blockbuster plan. That is mostly because there are several movies that I want to see that Golden has no interest in.

  8. Yes, go for it...
    I just had a weekend of watching the chronicles of Riddick, man on fire and I have AVP coming up.

  9. Allthough noone will see this comment, I'll add to T's note that we've also rented Season2 of That 70's Show (our first Tv show rental) and really enjoyed watching an season on shows over the course of a few weeks. Since the set came as 4 seperate discs (interspersed withour other movies) it made for a good experience that I wouldn't have had if I'd bought the set all at once... something I won't have to do now.

    Thanks Blockbuster!
