Thursday, July 14, 2005

On a whim

I am usually the type of person that likes to plan outings in advance. I usually like to know my schedule for the upcoming weekend ahead of time. The plans don't have to be detailed. Just knowing who I am spending time with is enough for me. Here lately, it seems like Dust and I have been doing things on a whim. Going to the drive-in movies last Friday was a decision on the whim.

There is a process that I go through when the whims happen. At first, there is a slight grievance of the things that I had in mind of doing. I am reminded of the "you do not own your time" chapter in the Screwtape letters. "I am not the sole ownership of 24 hours" If the whim is my idea, I do not have much of a grievance. If it was not my idea, there is a bit of a feeling that I have lost "my time." After I have gotten over that, there is a bit of excitement about the possibility before me. I realize how fun and spontaneous it would be. At that moment it seems like I have done a 180 degree turn. I have an attitude of "we have got to do this or else."

This whole process sometimes takes only a few minutes. Dust must think I'm crazy for going through all these moods right after another. It really isn't pms . . . . all of the time.


  1. Golden is a little more moody about doing things on the spur of the moment than I am, but not by much. When schedules change it shocks both of our systems.

    I guess that means we can overcome it together.

  2. Dar sometimes has to get used to a new plan but feels better in a little while usually. I tend to see 10 options at one time and have the challenge of picking one. Sometimes all the options seem great and what would really, really be fun? Sometime all the options are just a challenge to deal with. I like being spontaneous, I tend to over plan when I know about something ahead of time.

  3. I think I tend to go with what is on my mind for the! But then its hard to find a sitter on last moment's notice! I do okay with some planned things. But then it seems a little boring by the time I get to it. =D

  4. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Gee I wonder what you had come up at the last minute that made you think to blog about this?! :) I hope that whatever it was, you had a good time and that you stayed cool with all this heat!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. LOL! I know who floorboard and pavement must be...nahnahnahnah nahnah!! =D

  7. I like going on adventures, myself.
