Tuesday, July 12, 2005

toy story

Most of you know that I have a toy collection. Yes, I am one of those weird persons that never got rid of any childhood toys. My collections include Garfield, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Pound Puppies & Kitties, Cabbage Patch, troll dolls, Wizard of Oz, Sylvanian families, and much more. Now that I have kept these items so long, I just couldn't bare to get rid of them. In Sunday School when everyone named a prized belonging of theirs, I said my Garfield collection. In trying to decide what my prized possession was in a matter of minutes, I figured it had to be an item that I would be devasted to loose in a fire. Of course photos would definately be number one. There are just a lot of memories that are attached to photos and my toys.

What really makes me happy is watching other kids play with my toys. It is neat to share a memory of my past with them. (Although one toy in particular can get pretty loud-clackers) One time I found Garfield miniatures hidden behind pillows and different items around the room. I got a good laugh out of that. My brother and I used to hide the Garfield miniatures in our Christmas tree. We also used to hide the "Barrel of Monkeys" in the tree also.

Maybe I am just a kid at heart. Maybe I like the idea of toys. It is a world with no responsibilities and you can get lost for hours in a world that you create. What I do know is that I will never be too old to play with toys. I also have never been selfish with my toys. I believe that they should be played with and not kept somewhere where they can collect dust.


  1. I should be in bed. I got a late call from my sister needing me to check some stuff out on the internet for her....so here I am stopping off to comment to you before falling into bed!

    Do I maybe know the person who hid the Garfield toys? I don't know if they are something my kids played with or not, but it sounds like something they (N) would do!

    I know that my kids are happy that you like your toys, because they do too! Thanks for being a kid friendly home! :)

    I can't picture you selfish about anything really. Not your style.

  2. Oh, that is really cool, Golden! I think I can picture you being young at heart! :-)

  3. Weird here - Burger King advertises free Sunglasses for a Euro and Mcdonalds is running an ad on TV for a canvas fashion belt for you spantz with every meal. No joke.

  4. T, yes you know who hid the Garfields. I think it was C not N.

    Dar, is spantz the Spanish word for capri pants?

  5. I think so - but only for hombres

  6. S-horts + pants = spantz
    ...idiot! (napoleon dynamite)

  7. It's nice you don't mind sharing your sentimental things. Some of my sentimenal stuff I'd be too afraid of it getting ruined -- but the beauty of toys is they are durable and you don't have that worry. It is nice to share what you like about things. Things I'd hate to lose would include photos - all of mine are on a boat crossing the ocean right now.
