Tuesday, July 19, 2005

favorite and not so favorite

Actors. Actresses. You either like them or you don't like them. I know some people could care less about famous movie/t.v. stars. Dust makes fun when I have Access Hollywood on. I want to share some opinions on my favorite and not so favorite stars.

Actresses I don't care for:

>Angelina Jolie. She makes me sick. She comes across slutty. I don't like watching movies that she is in. However, I did have a change of heart when I realized how much she cares about hungry children that are dying. It was a moment when God was convicting me about what I am doing for Him. (The Wednesday night after we talked about faith vs. works. We all came to agree that if we have faith we will have works.)

>Catherine Zeta-Jones-she really doesn't have much of a personality. She seems stuck up and stuffy.

Actresses I like:

>Sandra Bullock-she seems down to earth. She seems like the girl you grew up with in high school. Maybe that's just the roles she has played.

>Kate Hudson-again a seemingly down to earth person. Funny, outgoing. Even though her style is a bit hippy.

>Renee Zellwegger-could be that I like all the roles she has been in. A bit quirky, silly, and funny.

>Jennifer Garner-she also seems down to earth. But also very cool. She has a way of acting cute.

Actors I don't care for:

>Pierce Brosnan-he isn't funny. I can't remember seeing him smile.

>Richard Gere-seems a bit creepy to me. not funny.

Actors I like:

>Johnny Depp. mysterious yet cool. quirky and funny.

>Orlando Bloom. looks better with black hair. (not the long blond elf in Lord of the Rings) He was good in Pirates and Troy.

>Jim or James Caviezel.-great in dramas. plays emotional roles well.

>Ashton Kutcher-hilarious. I am growing out of his high school type humor though.

I realize that the descriptions I gave is how they are portrayed in movies/t.v. They probably are not that way in real life. I tend to not like slutty and stuck-up roles. Funny and silly roles are a favorite of mine but I can still appreciate a good drama. This was my 2 cents.


  1. Yep - Sandra Bullock... I also like Edward Norton and Joe Pesci. Joe is a little Italian Freak that scares me to death whenever he is on screen. I think its cool that Brad Pitt came from Springfield. I suffer from overload with Tom Cruise and Gwenyth and all of the other relationship stuff. Other actress I like is Judy Dench - my - she must be in her 80s by now, but she is classy. I always sceeve out on the male lead in a movie having a romantic interest in the female lead that is 40 years younger... I also like that girl that plays Dharma.

  2. The family rule is that I can think an actress is attractive if she has aspects that look similar to Golden. So I can make positive comments about people like Kate Hudson or Brittany Murphy. Of course I don't exercise this right much at all.

    I think Golden applies a similar rule for most of the actors that she tends to like on screen (think Jim Caviezel and Johnny Depp).

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I've always liked the tall dark handsome leads....Pierce Bronson is one of my favorites, but I can remember Remington Steele! I did not like the girl on that...Laura Zimwhateveritwas.

    There are some stars that don't make or break a movie for me, and others that really do. In our Blockbuster video online membership we can click on an actors name and get other movies they've been in. We actually did that and realized that we've seen most of the movies of the actors we like. We did get Crossfire Trail recently with Mark Harmon and Tom Selek. I am not a big Tom fan, but I like Mark, even when he's a creepy bad dude.

  5. Don't put Gwenyth in the same boat as tom cruise. She has been in a stable relationship and has given birth to apple. I also like the fact that she only works on films that she is interested in.

    Who doesn't like that Dharma girl?

  6. Verna- I love page 1 of the Parade also! I try to scan the cover of People when I am in line at the grocery store.

    I like Jenna Elfman too. Other guys and gals I like are Bill Pullman, Drew Barrymore, Jimmy Fallon, David Duchovney, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson.

  7. If that were true, that would be a good way of getting me in trouble.

    :{} <-- Jolie smile
