Thursday, July 21, 2005

stupid, stupid, stupid

Everyone has one of those friends that can be talked into doing something stupid. I was one of those friends in college. I can be manipulated very easily. Here are some examples:

My friends and I were eating at the "Joust". (the alternative to the caf) Lisa says, "Hey, A., I dare you to turn off the television." A football or some other game was on and there was a group of jocks sitting at a table, kinda watching it. I said, "Ok, sure I'll do it." I blatantly walk over to the television and turn it off. When I turned around to find my friends, they were all gone. The jocks just thought that was weird and one of them got up and turned it back on. I found my friends behind the corner laughing their heads off.

On Valentine's day, one of my friends was bored and said that I needed a perm. She had decided to color her hair and so did some of my other friends. So, of course I needed to do something with my hair also. "Ok", I said and let her give me a perm in the dorm room. Lisa freaked out when she saw Autumn giving me a perm. That in turn freaked me out worrying what it must look like. It turned out ok.

I think it was Lisa who said, "Why don't we all get dressed up in prom dresses and go to Price Chopper?" "Ok" There were six of us who scrambled around the dorm trying to find a dress to wear. We practiced our strut and tried it out in the second floor lobby. We took a picture of all of us lined up.

"Hey, A. why don't you dress up like a gangster and run around the dorm outside." "Ok, sure." Some other friends followed. We put black markings on our face and had a handkerchief around our heads. We also had flannel shirts and made guns by pointing our fingers. We ran around and tapped on the windows of the guys that we knew. Of course they thought we were all crazy.

Some friends and I had just walked out of the caf and it was pouring down rain. "Hey, let's run around the entire campus in the rain." "Ok" We ended up going into one of the piano practice rooms and Tim played for us. There were four or five of us sitting in one of those small practice rooms soaking wet.

A bright idea at around 2 am was, "Hey, let's try to sneak out of the dorm." "Ok" If anyone opened the doors after curfew, the alarms would go off. So, here I am on the first floor lobby trying to sneak out the window. "I think you can fit, A." I got paranoid the RD would come out and didn't do it.

Do I really need to say that all these events happened my freshman year? They all scream out hey, I'm a stupid freshman. Still at age 27, I can be talked into doing stupid things.


  1. Jadee would tell you that I would be the one say "hey lets go do...." and she'd be the one say "ok!"

    I think that's only partly true, but for the sake of the argument, sounds like fun and some great memories! Certainly better then looking back and thinking of the chair you sat in the whole time you studied like a good little girl, right!?

    No harm, no foul! (As long as everything you did was harmless :))

  2. T, I did have a blast doing all those things. Actually, I should be glad that I had friends that had all those crazy ideas. I probably would have had a boring freshman year otherwise.

    clearing, that was Dust that took his shirt off and ran around the chapel late at night.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. golden, why do I have a feeling that the deleted comment was something sunset wanted to say? You are spooky with the things that you come up with as sunset. You are way to good at dueling identities. HUM.....makes you wonder! LOL. I guess this shy girl has found her outlet! :)

  5. G-I am right there with you. Most of my friends were chicken and I must have been stupid.

    My last crazy dare was to play bongos during worship a couple of weeks ago. There bongo player was gone and the drummer said I should come up and play. I can't keep a beat nor know how to play bongos nor have practiced with the worship team who is serious about direct praise to God. I didn't want to make light their efforts, but it is hard to pass down a good dare. So up I went and I had a sheepish grin the whole time.

  6. In the Army all of us decided to strip down to our underwear and crawl through a medium-size sewer pipe underneath a highway. All the drunk guys were enthusiastic and had weird infected scrapes and scratches on their arms and legs the next day. I'll do most anything until bedtime. Then no one should bother me.

  7. All through college I knew that I needed to come up with some crazy thing to do so that I could claim I had done something wild while I was there. I'm still trying to come up with ideas, but I think I missed my chance. :)

  8. Wow, girl, you would have been a blast to hangout with in college. Except for the fact, I was the goody-two-shoe chick that had my in particular (T) say...let's go get DQ (while in the middle of music camp). I stupidly asked, were we allowed to do that? She laughed all the way there and back and I was hanging on to the truck door for my life! LMAO! Glad she already posted the truth...
