Sunday, July 24, 2005

guilt driven

Do you ever feel like you have to "put in your face time" with certain family members? We have several family members that are always asking when we are going to see them next. It's not that we don't want to see them. It's just that Dust and I are driven by guilt.

Dust and I went to his cousin's wedding Saturday night. It was an outside wedding in the 90 degree heat. Everyone sat in white chairs and the vows were exchanged under a gazebo. When the minister was speaking, sweat was dripping from his face onto his book. The whole wedding party was glistening. The bride felt really bad about everyone having to be in the heat. The D.J. annouced that there was bottled water in a cooler at the end of the table. There was a dinner reception that included BBQ. As we were going through the buffet line outside under a tent, the weather changed into gusts of wind. Paper plates, napkins, and light weight stuff went flying.

The good thing about the wedding was that we got to spend some time with Dust's grandma and aunt. It had been awhile since we had seen them. We got caught up on what was going on on that side of the family. It was good to get some face time in.


  1. Can't name the number of times that I do the guilt driven thing. Ugh. Sometimes it turns out okay...sometimes well. It's hard to feel obligated.

  2. Yeah, we get caught up in it too. But as year progress we are better at knowing when to allow ourselves to do it and when to not do it just because of guilt.

  3. Ya feel better after you do it - but what the heck do you say while you're there? That's my problem. The guilt thing - its an ugly monkey.
