Tuesday, June 28, 2005

gifts vs. acts of service

Not another quiz or test...some of you are probably thinking. Yes, I took another quiz. And made Dust take it also. At our last home group, we were talking about the five love languages. I had never read the book before or taken the test. Everyone seemed to know what their love language was. Just by listening to the list, I could guess what mine would be. Gifts.

When I first heard of the book, I thought it might be another cheesy, overmarketed, gimmick. I have been somewhat skeptical of the new, cool, christian books that come out. (Dust's influence on me) I haven't read Purpose Driven Life yet, but maybe I should.

I took the love language test and sure enough gifts are my language. Dust is overly excited about that one. : ) I should have known what Dust's language would be. When he gets comfortable in his chair at night, he always asks me if I could get him a bowl, and spoon, and milk, and cereal. I am constantly doing things for him. Dust's language is acts of service. This means I have to clean, cook, and do most things for him. Well I pretty much do that anyway. Recently when he asked me to do something I replied with "yes I will do that because you need acts of service." I should at least give him a hard time about it.


  1. That cracks me up. I have heard of the love languages, but never taken the test. Mr. T and I have not read purpose driven life either. I think Jadee gave me the love language book maybe? I'll have to hunt through my bookshelf and see if I can find it. Then I'll make Mr. T take the test too!

  2. Let me get this striaght. Dust likes to RECEIVE acts of service, but he does not GIVE acts of service.

    So what is the love language the Dust gives? (physical touch?) (words of affirmation?)

  3. Dust tries to give small gifts to Golden, as she seems to want. :)

  4. forrest, that is correct. Dust likes to receive acts of service. He does not give acts of service very often.

    Dust likes to tease me that I am needy and that I need all the love languages given to me. Dust gives me quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation.

    The book says that one tends to give the love language that they want to receive. Because I am gifts, I love to give gifts to others. When in actuality, Dust would rather me not give him a gift.

  5. I feel a Sandy Patti song coming on ....."Love in any Language - Straight from the heart - pulling us together - never apart ..."

  6. Then again .. maybe it was the theme from Love Boat:

    SING IT WITH ME!!!!!

    Love ...exciting and new
    Come Aboard - we're expecting you....

    And love...do de do de dumm won't hurt anymore.
    It's a friendly smile - on an open shorrreeeeeeee........

  7. The LOVE Boat! I loved that show!

  8. I used to sing (and Golden will probably laugh):
    Love in any language
    Straight from the fart
    pulls us altogher
    then rips us apart

    get it: fart and rip

  9. I gained ALOT of insight from the "Five Languages of Love". Our pastor in Georgia recommended it when I was still married. There is even a section on helping develop a balance of all love languages with your children.

    What I found was, that people tend to "speak" or "love" others the way they are most receptive to love. For me, I am "physical touch" and "words of affirmation". So you can only imagine the emptiness I experienced when I was married to a verbally/emotionally/mentally abusive husband who was gone from the house 3-5 nights a week.

    However, it is my responsibility to develop a balance in my life and find ways to accept other "languages".

    Okay...it's late when I am commenting, so this is probably a little deep? Y-A-W-N! =D

  10. Fortunately, for me, I grew alot by reading the "Power of a Praying Wife" and "Power of a Praying Parent". These are the books that actually ignited my prayer-partnership with T.

    Later, in my Networking class at church, I discovered one of my passions is Prayer, thus I have been involved with the Prayer Team for the last several years. Of course, music is my other passion, and I love leading music in the Kidz ministry.

  11. K. Mr. t and I took a quiz online that according to him was a poor testing instrument, I happen to agree, but I don't create tests for a living like he does.

    Anyway, We tested exact opposite. My 12345 was his 54321 order. We both had service as 3. I think as a default that's the one that we both tend to accept/offer to one another the most.

    His #1 is gifts he tries to give me gifts now and then, but I'm just like "gee thanks." so he doesn't do it as much. I chalk it up to "it's the thought that counts." My #1 is physical touch. I am always touching his shoulder when we talk, or playing with his hair while we watch tv etc. He doesn't like his hair touched and appreciates his space!

    oh well, not really new info, but a good reminder to try to be more conscience of each others needs and to try to see the value in what we do offer as love, even when it's what we want more than what the other needs.

    Regarding Power of a Praying wife, it was a good book and I did get a lot out of it. I read it before there was a whole library of "prower of a praying...." I don't know if I would have had the same effects if I tried to read it now since I'm a little synical to the multi-marketed purpose stuff. But Mr. T and I are both glad I had it and used it before! It did also start a great prayer partnership that I have cherished through the years as well.

  12. Yes, I am leary of any of those "Power of a Praying...." books. I can't believe that this is more to add than what was in the first book. It's all about the money.

    Did you hear about her new book:
    The Power of a Praying Blogger.

  13. Taking and Absorbing are my love languages. I communicate deep emotions with farts.

  14. One thing about love languages (yes she's ignoring Dar's post) is that you tend to give the one you actually need rather than the one the person is primary in, since that's love in your head. Sort of odd that it is that way. You have to work harder to think about the other persons "language."

    On another note, the Christian market is not immune to spin offs. It's like the last few years they discovered the power of spin off titles and have exploded with power of praying, left behind the book, the movie, the board game (yes we saw one), jabez for teens etc. It's probably brillant marketing on their part.
