Thursday, June 30, 2005

fun times

The day that our friends Dar and Roamer will be departing approaches us soon. I would like to dedicate this post to the fun times that we have had with them. Here are some highlights in no particular order.

> Playing Apples to Apples at Dar's "Halloween" birthday party. Also playing Apples to Apples with the girls after the Christmas tea in Roamer's basement.

>Roamer wearing an old bridesmaid dress for one of the parties

>Kerry for President stickers-Election party

>roasting marshmallows in their backyard-using the fireplace thingy (forgot the word for it)

>Roamer being a wonderful hostess for the Christmas teas. I remember a lot of giggling going on during the speakers' speaches at most of the teas. (Verna, L.L., M.L.) : )

>Girls night out at Oklahoma Joe's. Fever Pitch was hilarious.

>Girls coffee night at Borders. Girls coffee nights on the last Tuesday of the month at Homer's.

>their decorated sump pump at the Love's Command X-mas party. T received it.

>playing poker with Roamer and Dar. Roamer not wanting to bid before seeing most of the cards in Texas-Hold-Em.

>being in Love's Command class with Dar and Roamer

>guys coffee night every Thursday night at Homer's

>putting socks on their furniture legs so they won't scratch in the container

Feel free to comment on your most memorable moment.


  1. Christmas tea/after party

    Home Group :)

    Walking to your place to "see if you were outside."

    Kids getting your rock collection

    Countless nights of fun and games and more fun and more games!

    Loves command

    Royals Game

    Thanks for the memory
    Of things I can’t forget


    light the corners of our minds
    misty water colored memories
    of the way we were

    Packing up the dreams God's planted in the fertile soil of you....a chapter in our lives is through....A fried IS a friend forever! :) :) :)

  2. I wasn't in the OPK circle, but I got some great Land's End sandals and a beautiful matching frosted-glass fruitbowl and flower vase...that just ties in all my other frosted-glass and black wrought-iron decor!

    May God Bless you both as you live out my dream of being in missions.

    My prayers are with you...even without a "prayer card"! LOL!

  3. T - I'm glad to be your fried.

  4. mr t would say....


  5. You guys have brought back some great memories for me. Thanks! It's good for me to remember the fun, since right now has been about goodbyes. I've loved being hostess for all of you and being hosted by all of you too.
