Monday, July 04, 2005

Ducks, Phantoms, and pizza

Dust and I have spent the majority of the last 4 days with his family. We went to a Japanese stroll garden on Friday. The landscaping was nice and it had a pagoda and a tea hunt along the pathway. There were 3 ducks that followed us around the garden by means of a pond. It cracked me up! One duck looked like he had a mohawk. The ducks knew where all the duck food dispensers were. Of course I caved in and fed them.

I got to watch Phantom of the Opera again on DVD. Still lovin' it. When we went to Wal-Mart, I just had to buy the Phantom soundtrack. I told Dust that today should be CD day where we both get to buy a CD! He agreed to buying Phantom because he could appreciate it too. But when we went to Barnes & Noble he found some books to buy instead--Sherlock Homes & a bomb book. I need not mention what the music was for the drive home. : )

A first for us was trying Papa Murphy's pizza. It had a good flavor, and in my opinion was just right.

I almost froze to death in the balcony of E.T. on Sunday am. (Dust's sister's church) It was almost the temperature of a meat locker--a side of beef would not spoil there. I prayed to God to help me get through the service. Luckily, I had brought my jean jacket. Dust's mother had Dad go out and get her sweater from the trunk of the car.

We are going to try to see some of the fireworks either from our yard or maybe walk down the street. Happy 4th!


  1. Sounds like you had fun. We went outside and watched our neighbors fireworks from the back yard, and roasted marshmellows. We gave the kids the option of driving out to find fireworks or staying home and they both opted for home. We also taught them Skipbo! Now we have 2 card games the four of us can play (UNO and SkipBo:))Hope you had a fun fourth as well!

  2. To be fair ... we only "warmed" half of the marshmallows. My fire lighting skills seem to weaken with wet wood.

    If you want a Smor on one of these days; get in quick before the kindling and dryer lint all burn out.

    The good news is that all the houses around our street were also wet. Based on the Pyrotecnics in the cul-de-sac, this was a good thing.

    Happy Throwing-Off-The-Yoke-Of-Tyranny/Blow-Stuff-Up-Day

  3. Dash, you could always get the little "Smores Indoors" maker that is heated by a simple lightbulb!

    Or use an unscented candle...

  4. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Papa Murphy's pizza is not quite as good by the third day . . . the last piece is finally gone.

    Next time you're in town I'll have to take you to a couple of other parks I frequent that also have ducks. For some reason I tend to find ducks humorous!
