Saturday, June 25, 2005


Dust and I were listening to Larry the cable guy do a stand-up comedy routine on tv. (not Dust's typical humor) I was reminded again that my sense of humor is that of a teenage boy. I laugh at fart jokes. This is something that I am not really proud of. I thought that maybe one day I would grow out of this phase. I can't seem to change that part of my humor, though. We watch Blue Collar tv with Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Envall, and Larry the cable guy. There are times that they might get a little crude, which I don't like.

I also find the red-neck jokes humorous. Maybe it is because I grew up in southern MO. It was pretty much the norm for people to make fun of simple country folk. There are all sorts of hillbilly souvenirs that you can buy in Branson.

I often tease Dust about having a girl sense of humor. I have noticed that women seem to laugh at his jokes and think he's funny. He does a better job than I do at talking to other women. I on the other hand have a typical guy sense of humor and tend to want to laugh and talk about what the guys do. I am trying to focus on talking more girl talk. I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression if I am around other guys.

Git-r-done is a mantra that I have been using when I am at work. It motivates me to plough through my tasks and it gives me a laugh.


  1. I had the TV on the other week when Blue Collar TV came on, and my boys ended up watching part of it with me. Not intentionally, of course! But they laughed so hard that I enjoyed watching them get so tickled at the fart jokes. Man, oh man...they are totally little boys!! My youngest has learned how to "fart with his underarm" already. PLEASE HELP! =D (you will love my blog on boys)

  2. I would say it really depends on the mood i'm in as to what I think is funny. Git-r-done sounds like a good mantra to have. I try that when I'm at home. I'm not as successful as I would like to be.

  3. you say fart - dust says faht.

  4. My humor secret is that I tend to like slap stick humor. Nothing like people falling down or something silly to get me laughing. That's one I'd like to think I'd be more mature than to laugh at, but there you go I can't help it.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I think nudity is funny. Will Ferrel in old school- "We're going streakin.'"
    THere was once a commercial where it showed an english soccer fan streaking during the game with nothing more than one of those long Harry Potter scarfs and some blurred out areas thanks to the censors. The officials where chasing him and he kept dodging them. I thought it was hilarious. Well, on a monday night football party at the church, it played on the big screen. I was sitting next to my dad and he was with someone from the A/G Global University visiting. When the commericial came on he as a good christian showed his disgust and talked about how awful the world was today. Me, as a realist christian and troublemaker, had to tell him that I thought it was a funny commercial. He wanting to understand what is wrong with the younger generation asked my what I thought was funny about it. I answered, "There is a man with no clothes on except a well placed scarf running around and no one can catch him. That has to put a smile on your face." I used that teachable moment to tell that man about God's grace and humor in our lives. ;)
