Thursday, May 26, 2005

I wanna be more like Dust

Have you heard the praise song, "I wanna be more like you, Jesus, I wanna be more like you.?" This song was popular when Dust (or Mr. Sunrise) and I were in college. His roommate would tease him and sing to him, " I wanna be more like Dust."

I think inadvertantly, I have become more like Dust. (and hopefully more like Jesus too). I made a somewhat sarcastic remark to Dust the other day and he said that I am starting to sound like him. I feel like Dust is inside my head now. I cannnot get you, I do not want you, out of my head!-Newsboys.

In some ways this is a good thing. He has made me start to question things rather than to take someone's word as the truth. Now when someone starts to quote something from the pulpit, I will look it up in the Bible to see if what they are saying is accurate. I would have never done that before I met Dust.

Dust and I have this ongoing debate on whether he is a pessimist or a realist. He thinks he is a realist and I think he is a pessimist. I know he has been thinking about blogging about this so I don't want to ruin it. The other day Dust and I were talking and I said reality hurts doesn't it. He was pleased with that reply because it backs up his case for being a realist. I like to live in a fairy tale world and sometimes Dust bursts my bubble. With Dust's influence, I am coming out of my fairy tale world and into reality.

Every now and then a "Dust" word will come out of my mouth. Take for instance the word inadvertantly that I used earlier. That is definately a Dust word. Other Dust words are: disparity, procured, and other intelligent sounding words. I obviously can't think of any smart words right now. It is past my bedtime.

I guess spouses have a tendency to rub off on each other. No pun intended. Yet another Dust trait I have picked up. Maybe some of my humor will rub off on him.


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    what do you mean no pun intended? .....

    ... ohhhhhh .....

    ... ewwwwwwwwwww......

  2. Thanks for the kind words!

    And here I thought my intermittent departure from the colloquial speach and my overall sardonic perspective was innocuous to anyone in my general proximity.

    Golden has rubbed off on me just as much as I have rubbed off on her. I am not the one-dimensional nerd that I was when I met her (and perhaps she brings me to the fairy-tale world while I drag her to reality).

  3. The girl does have some music in her soul!! LOL! =D

    Thanks for letting me know the artist though. I will admit I know songs of every kind, but don't always know who sings them! It helps that they list the artist/album in our bulletin each week.

    Golden, have you thought of this definition for Mr. Sunrise..."extreme realist"? This gives room to include the pessimism! ;-)

  4. I've always thought of Dust as level-headed - a person who can cut through to the facts of the matter. I didn't know there were fairy-tale categories and such - I just thought he was smart. I suppose I'm a frustrated realist or a fustilug wanting to rise above the scut.

  5. I think it's hard to be a pessimist without being a realist but I want to believe not all realist are pessimists. I like to think of myself as realist not a pessimist, maybe that's why I see it this way.

  6. And to think, Dar and I have an ongoing debate about blue and purple. I guess we need to try the more intellectual sometime!

    Sometimes I find myself making a Dar face, or worse yet one of his brother's or my brother's faces, eww. We're melding. ahhhhh.

  7. We'd probably have the blue/purple debate if I thought I'd have a chance of winning. My colorblindedness has condemned us to debating realism vs pessimism.

  8. For what it's worth.....ahhhh! I just turned into Dust. I bet his real name rhymes better with the song "I wanna be more like (you.)

    I have a friend whose wife's name is Gina and he would substitute her name for Jesus. "I wanna be more like you, Gina." "my Gina, my savior, Lord there is none like you." "Gina, Gina, precious Gina." He kinda ruined it for me and now I think Golden ruined that song for me too. I will never again sing "you" when I could sing "D@#%."

  9. For what it's worth (been waiting for that, right?), the second line from my roommate's version was, "He has a girl and I want one too."
