Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Late nights

It was so nice to have a three day weekend. I spent a lot of time with friends and had my fill of grill food. I don't think I have recovered from staying up late on Saturday, Sunday and Monday night. It is awesome to be able to talk with friends until late but I always pay for it later. I was better on Monday night going to bed. After I got back from Borders, I stayed up a little and talked to Mr. Sunrise.

The frustrating thing that happened this weekend was having our computer crash. I have missed reading everyone's blog. The computer is being fixed and should be running again on Wednesday night, hopefully. Thanks to T for allowing me to use her computer today. I love the feel of the keyboard, by the way.

Hope everyone had a fun Memorial Day!


  1. Golden, don't know when you'll get to read this, but I found myself slowed way down today after work. We stayed up late on Fri as a family and then had friend stuff the other nights so tonight is designated chill night. although, as you know, we probably will have grilled food!

  2. Golden, it was fun getting to see you and the Mr some this weekend. I too enjoyed lots of friend and food time. I'm in the habit of late nights with our strange schedule right now. Glad I don't have to get up at the crack o dawn after those late nights!

  3. Well, Wednesday didn't happen. I am going to see if I can get Golden online tonight.

  4. that would be good shake---hope it happens. For both of your sakes! BTW, if it doesn't let her know she can come and use ours again anytime.
