Wednesday, May 25, 2005

the boat returns

When I was in upper-elementary school, my dad bought a boat. I thought it was so cool. There was a section in the front that you could walk-through and sit in. I assume there is a name for this, but I can't think of it at the moment. There were two windows, one in front of the driver and one for the passenger. Anyway, it was a distinct looking boat. The seats in the back could flatten out if someone wanted to sleep. There is a picture with me in the boat with my Garfield stuffed animal and my brother has his stuffed monkey named Bimbo. When my brother and I were teenagers, we were too embarrassed to go out in the boat with our parents. As a result, the boat did not get used very much.

Around the time I started college, my parents had a yard sale. My dad decided to sell the boat and use the money to help pay for my tuition so I wouldn't have to take a loan out. My dad knew of the people that he sold it to because they lived near us.

Last Saturday, my parents were driving by a place that sold boats and decided to stop and look. My dad looked one over and said that it looked a lot like the boat we used to have. After all, it did have a distinct look. He went inside and asked about the boat and said it looked like the one he had about nine years ago that he sold to Mr. Michael. The salesman researched the paperwork on the boat and said you are right. The previous owner was Mr. Michael and he had it for nine years. Once my dad found out that it was in fact his old boat, he had to buy it right then.

I am glad that my dad got his boat back. I can't wait to take a ride in it!


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Would you consider that boat to be "on fire?" Because it sounds like it is smoking hot!!!

  2. I am glad that you are not too embarrassed to go out in it with your parents now! Although, they probably didn't buy it with you in mind as much this time around! LOL

    Can't wait till we're 40ish and have adult children. I want a boat....what do you think Mr. T?

  3. It's funny how things come full circle. Your dad has his boat back and you have a college education too. Everyone wins!

  4. That is awesome! Sounds like great fun too! I am looking forward to having the time of my life when my kids are grown. I should have followed T's example and have my kids younger...oh well! It will come soon enough. :(

  5. Interesting how the boat becomes a part of the family again. That is a good story. Also,
    I am trying to write in paragraphs so I'm easier to

  6. Clearing, the colors of the boat may make it hot again. I think orange and lime green are cool again, so it is "on fire."

    My parents live close to the Finley River, so they will definately be boating every weekend.

    Thanks for trying to write in paragraphs, Dar.

  7. Am I the only one that got a kick out of a monkey named bimbo.

    .. and on the boat we had a monkey - and bimbo was his name-o

    B - I - MBO .... B - I MBO ....

    and bimbo was his name-o!
