Friday, April 22, 2005

Growing up with a brother vs. a sister

At a bible study last night, two friends of mine were talking about what it was like growing up with sisters. They both felt comfortable dressing in front of other women because they had to growing up. One girl said that she had to share a bathroom with sisters and there was always someone in the shower, on the toilet, and at the sink all at the same time. They also felt comfortable around a woman when she was breast feeding. They said that they wouldn't be embarrassed to breast feed their children some day in public. I am uncomfortable changing clothes in front of other women and I am also uncomfortable around a woman when she is breast feeding. Is this because I grew up with a brother and not a sister?

I have also noticed that some women that had sisters seem to talk more about "girl things" than women that did not have a sister. I would rather talk about movies, t.v., music, or any topic that would come up at the guy's coffee night. : ) Some girl talk bores me. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy talking about relationships and other emotional subjects. I do like hearing how my friends and their families are doing.

I know that my brother was a big influence on my sense of humor. He did a lot to shape my personality and the person that I am today. I am so glad that I had a brother and not a sister. I wouldn't trade him for anything!


  1. So Golden, is it possible there are gender issues in your family? You blog about being "backed up", while your husband blogs about his hair! Just a thought.

    I do have another comment though, I have 2 sisters and a brother. I can honestly say that I don't feel comfortable changing in front of other women and I am uncomfortable around women who are breast feeding also, although I've had enough good friend do it that I am getting more use to it. However, I am pretty into girl talk and I would say that my sisters did influence that.

  2. I have to say there are moments that you can be overwhelmed by female anatomy talk. I think girls do that way more than boys. I learned to tell my friends' or mother's scary birth stories so I could participate in those conversations, but it's not my favorite. We are more than the sum total of our parts though I've learned to talk parts. I didn't have a sister either, so I don't know if that's it. I like to try to get mom talk turned around to you-as-a-person talk.

    I certainly don't like changing in front of other people either, I think it's worse the older I get. I think there are naked people and not naked people. In college, there was a suite of girls who all walked around naked. Anytime you walked in day or night, you were likely to encounter nakedness. Our suite at college was a robes and clothes suite, no nakedness.

  3. I have a twin sister we share the same bedroom. we used to take baths together when we were little and today when we get dressed in the same room we say to each other"don't look" (lol as if we would) I usually get dressed in the bathroom unless I can dress alone in the bedroom. And in our house there are 5 people,Dad, Mom,Brother,sister and me. If there are 2 or more people in the bathroom the most likely person on the toilet would be my mom. I don't really like "girl talk" so I am not gonna talk about that. And I have never been in the same room with somebody breast feeding their baby I don't think I would stay in the same room long if I was.

  4. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Golden...that is sweet. I wouldn't trade you for anything either!!
