Monday, April 25, 2005

the video camera incident

Every so often I am going to tell a story of my past. This way everyone can get to know me a little better. If you have already heard this story, bare with me.

Every senior in high school looks forward to senior skip day. Besides prom or graduation, skip day is an event that is planned out. My group of friends had the day picked and we had planned to go to our friend's swimming pool. As the day approached, it seemed like every girl had backed out. I told my parents about it and they said it was ok. My mom had my excuse note written out: Please excuse "golden" from classes on May--.

It was just me and my best friend "L" that decided to skip that day. We were so excited! We went to her house and sat out by the pool. Before we got our swimsuits on, "L" had a brilliant idea. She wanted to make music videos by the pool. "L" went inside and got her parents video camera. I did not want to do this. "L" handed me the camera and showed me real quick how to push record and were to look into. She turned on her "secular music" and started dancing around the pool. I pushed record, but was having a hard time working the zoom function. I walked forward a little, and a little more, and a little more, when suddenly I found myself inside the pool! I was very confused and wet. I never really had good depth perception and looking into a video camera makes it even worse. My best friend was laughing hysterically. I was so mad that she didn't tell me I was getting close to the edge of the pool. Thank goodness I was in the shallow end, though! Only my pants and half of my shirt was soaked. We went inside and I changed clothes. We thought we should check the video camera out to see if it got water damage. Looking into the lens, we could see water drops inside it. We knew we should get it looked at quick!

We called around at different video camera repair places and decided on a store. "L" and I brought the camera in and waited nervously. She knew her parents were going to get upset. We found out that there was only minor damage done and it wouldn't be that expensive for them to dry it out. Dealing with the camera took the rest of the day. At that point I wished that I had never skipped school that day.

I found out from some friends the next day that "L" was telling everyone that I had ruined our senior skip day. I never confronted her with it, but now I wish I had. She also told her parents that it was all my fault. "L"'s parents wanted me to pay for half of the cost of the repairs and I agreed to it. After all, I was the one that fell in the pool with it. "L"'s parents could never find anything wrong with their "baby angel." (spoiled brat) Her parents were in the ministry, but they were both kind of rude and snobby. Her father mentioned in front of other company that I had ruined their video camera by falling in the pool. At that moment I wanted to say,"Well, your daughter was listening to music that I know you wouldn't approve of and she was the one that told me to tape her!"

I am really not still bitter about this event. I have forgiven "L" for all the mean things she has done to me. We grew apart once we started college. I ran into her at my parents church about a year ago. She was greeting at the door and I said hi L! She looked at me and said nothing. She must have seen me go up the balcony stairs, because her and her husband came up there to sit. She did talk to me after church and was cordial.


  1. You just decribed 98% of my friends in HS.

  2. The next time you see her, you should slap her across the face. She totally wouldn't expect it.
