Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Reality t.v. shows

When someone mentions reality t.v., there are only two types of reactions. You either love them or hate them. There is no middle ground or grey area. I am a lover of reality t.v. shows. Only the ones that are done tastefully though.

The reason I love them has to do with my interest in personality types. Not too many people have my personality type-I.S.F.J. on the Myers Briggs test. I enjoy the dynamics that go on when you bring different types of personalities together and put them in a situation where they have to get along. I like to analyze why people do and say the things they do.

On the "Amazing Race" last night, Joyce had to shave her head to win the fast forward. She is very brave for going through it and I had to admire her for what she said. "It's just hair, it's only external, I am going to have to let my internal shine through." I am rooting for Uchenna & Joyce to win. At first I wanted Rob & Amber to win, but they have won enough money.

One has to admire Stephenie on " Survivor" for all that she has been through. I believe that she deserves to win for being the last team member on Ulong. She pulled her weight on all the challenges and she gets along great with everybody. I still like Ian though. He is my sole survivor pick for our fantasy survivor game.

I am impressed with Tana on "The Apprentice." She has won every time she has been project manager. She is able to roll with the punches better when obstacles come their way. (For example, the t-shirt logo printed backwards) When she tries to act cool, sometimes she can pull it off, sometimes not.

Well, that was my two cents worth.


  1. I have to say that I like some reality tv, but others, not so much. The apprentice is my favorite and I have the same opinion as you do regarding Tana. I don't watch any others except for Survivor. Every year I say I am done, but this year I got reeled back in!

  2. I'm a weird anomaly in that I don't care to watch reality tv but I enjoy precariously hearing the stories through my friends. All those personalities clashing makes me cringe since I'm always trying to keep people happy. I'm working on just being myself and letting people live...does that mean I should watch reality shows?

  3. I always wonder when I watch the Bachelor/ette...can these people really fall in love on a show like this? I respected the last gal in the Bachelorette, who had been chosen on a former Bachelor. She told the guy when he gave her a ring that she had been down this road before, so let's be realistic and continue to see if a relationship can grow from this before she said yes to him. Besides they have several months until the public sees the final "choosing" episode.

    Oh yeah, my boys love Fear Factor...yuk!! But boys will be boys! LOL! Watch out Roaming and may have more stories to add to this down the road sometime! T has it well-balanced I think. ;-)
