Monday, June 25, 2007

the scooter

Dust's parents gave NJ his birthday gifts early. The big gift was a scooter--a school bus that you can ride on or push. He loves to take rides on it! His feet don't touch the ground if he sits on it. We were all exhausted this past weekend from pushing NJ all around the house.

NJ does occasionally like to push the scooter. There is a big handle on the back that he puts one hand on and he uses his other hand to hold my hand. If I also try to put my other hand on the handle, NJ will remove my hand. He is either being independent or selfish.

The scooter also has buttons that make noise and play a song. We have them memorized now: "Everyone sit down, let's go to school! Stop and Go, Stop and Go, on to school and take it slow. With a Beep, Beep, Stomp, Stomp, all around the town, Stop and Go and 'round and 'round."


  1. The music on the toy is a little annoying, but NJ looks so funny (in a good way) being pushed around on his scooter. If anyone else wants to try it out, pushing NJ around is a great workout for the glutes.

  2. Funny. I just sent a really obnoxious noisy toy home to our neice and nephew. It's mock bagpipes. Yikes! That's the beauty of giving kids gifts, tormenting the parents too!

  3. CMan was with me yesterday and he enjoyed the music more then NJ! Everytime there was a pause..he'd lean over when he was pushing him and start it up again! They had a lot of fun!

  4. Sounds cute. You should post a picture.

  5. Little boys love those things. Woogy had 3 of them I believe, one with a really annoying jingle that drove Brian and I crazy for years. Nibbles doesn't care too much for them. You will have to post a picture.

  6. I got Missionary Associate workers here who cannot drive because of policy and insurance (blah!) They are talking about scooters. Vespas are pretty dang snazzy!

  7. NJ has a few years before he will be driving a Vespa. :)
