Monday, June 11, 2007

11 days and counting.. and reflecting on life after baby

I have 11 more work days until I leave the work force to be a stay at home mom! I am training my replacement right now. Things seem to be going well there. She watched me do the job for two weeks and now I get to watch her do the job. I know it sounds weird but that's what the boss wants.

Balancing work, housework, and NJ has been difficult. I have been stretched in ways I never thought possible. I was used to only alloting the amount of time it took me to get ready in the morning. Now, I have to add at least a half hour for feeding NJ and dressing him. And I have to allot enough time in the morning to get the house in decent order before T comes over to watch NJ. There are mornings that I have been awake for about three hours before I even get to work. I have become even more disciplined and structured because of this. I remember going at least 4 to 5 days between running the dishwasher before NJ came. I am not proud of that. When I was working full time before NJ was born, I would leave the week days dishes in the sink until the weekend and then run the dishwasher. Now, I run the dishwasher every night so NJ has clean bottles for the next day. I also seem to do a load or two of laundry every day. I used to only do laundry one day a week. And I fit it in about 2-3 loads.

I am looking forward to a more stress-free life!


  1. T and I are very excited for you and NJ!

    Sorry that you and Dust have had your schedules messed up this week while we've been in STL.

    BTW ... I will soon be living in the same zip code as T's mom. This will also mean running the dishwasher more often :-)

    Parents and Babies - always making it more difficult!! :-)

  2. I hope the schedule eases up when you are staying home with NJ.

    What I am looking forward to is when NJ starts eating what the rest of us are eating. The formula and baby food business is such a racket.


    Transplants don't get to be scheduled in advance. I hope your dad is doing OK.

  3. Congratulations on leaving the work force

  4. We all dream of the day of not having schedules to keep and bosses to please. I like what I do most the time but there are moments when I fantasize about being a "missionary wife" (yes that's what I am but on paper I don't HAVE to work, yet I do.)

  5. It's like 9 days now for you! How awesome! I thought of your blog this morning when I ran my dishwasher! :)

    And yes, having my mom in the same zip code makes cleaning my house a full time job or thinking up excuses for it not being clean a full time job anyway! :) LOL

  6. I am happy for you. Remember how much I wanted to stay home when Woogy was born? I'm over it now, but it is still the hardest thing in the world, being a full-time working mother. I am so lucky to have a husband that helps out alot and a mother-in-law who doesn't care if my house is clean.

  7. Anonymous12:43 AM

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